Chapter 7:42

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"So, Peridot. Im not busy later, do you wanna, like idk. Like hang put with me, I mean no one has asked you on being your date this Valentine's Day, so-"

"Lapis cut the bullshit. You're just making everything complicated when you talk too much."

"So, would you like to be my date?"

"Well, if my twin sister wont bother me when Im with you then okay. But Im only doing this because I dont want my sister on my ass today. And can we like go to another place? I dint like it here under the tree, Im allergic to the sun. I'll get itchy again and more freckles will be here."

"Alright Ms. Smarty-pants, but I want here under the tree! Its very comfy, and besides no one else is here and this is the only shaded place we can go to hide from the sun."

After an hour of free timeof the first subject, me and Peridot went back inside the school and went for the hallway where the lockers are. There are some other students still wandering  around, looking at their lockers for love letters and stuff like those. I opened mine and fuck. I almost drowned from how many letters, chocolates and flowers are there inside. "Whoa, Lapis, are these all yours?" Asked Amethyst who I didn't realize that she was already there. "Yeah, I guess? Half of them for sure are from the lower grade and higher grade."

"Well you better start scooping up all of them cause the bell is going to ring any minute now." "Alright, thanks for the reminder Ame." By the time I look back, Peridot was almost done with picking them up. "Oh, uh you didn't  have to wait for me Peri. And most certainly you didnt have to help me pick this all up."

"We have the same class together, I cant let you be late while we are in the middle of the semester." Shit, she's right. I'll be fucked up if I dont pas this semester. I mean I passed the other two semesters. So I dont think I'll go back to grade 9.

Same sit with Peridot. It's so weird. You guys. I-I think, I think I like Peridot. I mean do I? Do I really? AAA why is this confusing?! I didnt feel this when Squaridot and I were together. Ghad!!! Earth Science good thing this subject is hella easy.

After Science subject, I dragged Peridot out of the room to the lunch room where the others are. Saw the others and went to sit with them with our  food. "Here you go Pearl, Strawberry Pop Soda." "Hey guys, who's your date tonight? They said that the Ruby sisters are going to throw a party at their parent's beach place." "Im going with B." Said Jasper. "B? Who da hell us B?" Asked Pearl. "Well duh Pearl, its your other twin. Blue Pearl?" "Im going with Yellow Pearl. I dont really like her though. Its just, you cant go to the party if you dont have a date." Said Amethyst. "Im just staying indoor for tonight. I promised my mom that I'll help her with her work. Since my two twins are in the party."

"What about you two? Who you guys going with?"

"Uh, no one has really asked both of us yet, so we just agreed on going together." I said trying not to stutter.

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