Chapter 5:36

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Finally it was my turn. I went to the counter. "Hi there, is there a dog here that is owned by the Lazuli Family?" She nodded and said "come this way." When we entered another room, I was surprise to see what was inside.

It was that dog again. That ginger-furred corgi dog. "This is him. His name is Pumpkin." The lady looking-like nurse from the counter. "This is Ms. Lazuli's dog?" I asked in a crooked smile, wether to be happy or confused. I didnt expect that it was a corgi.

"Is he allowed to be outside this vet?"

"Well, he is still in the middle of a check up. But he'll surely be out in a few weeks."

"What was his sick?"

"Something to do with food poisoning I think? No wonder he lasted here for 3 years."

I went to the dog and gave him a pet on the head. I recieved a lick from him as he rolled back and fourth.

After I went to the vet, I went home to the Lazuli residence and stayed there. They said I need to stay there to be safe so Squaridot wont beat me up again. And speaking of... That means we'll be sharing the same bedroom and the same bed and the same bathroom and the same clothes and the same air... Ill be staying jere until who knows when. (Until Square gets her anger issues down). I jumped on the bed, knowing that Ill be landing on a soft comforter.

But I was wrong.

By the time I landed, someone screamed and hissed. I guess someone was under the covers and got smushed by me.


"Damn it Peri! What the heck?!—" Lapis didnt had to say her next sentence because of our position... (Okay dont think of it as in that kind of way, okay? You guys are all dirty minded) I was on top, and she was at the bottom. We stared at each other and I started to become red. I panicked and move to the other side. "I-Im sorry! Im sorry! Im so— Gaah!" I guess I got carried away on moving to the other side so I fell on the floor.

"Oh my god Peri! Are you okay?" Lapis called.

"Im okay, Im still alive... For now..."

"Where did you go earlier?" She helped me get up. Her hands are so soft... Okay am I being a creep or what?

"By the time I woke up, you werent next to me anymore."

"Uh- I just di some walking and stuff like that..." I cant tell her that I went to the vet...

"You did what?! Damn it Peri! What the heck were you thinking? You couldve gotten yourself in danger!" Lapis hugged me that led me to fall down on the bed with her being on top and me being at the bottom....

"Im sorry okay! I just wanted fresh air!!!" I said in defeat but she's still hugging me.

"Hey lovebirds, you guys having sex? Am I interrupting something?" Someone said from the door.

Right... About that other room that some of you guys are thinking that I should sleep inside Lapis's sister's...
Well long-story short her sister Blue-Zircon or much preffered being called Bluezy got kicked out of her apartment last few days ago.

"Bluezy!" Lapis bolted up, using my body to be her launching pad.

"Fuck! Lapis! That fucking hurts!" I grunted which was almost shouting.

"Anyways, I just wanted to let you guys know that the walls arent that thick so if you guys are gonna be sexting... Might do it in other place..." She said leaving.

And came back a little while "Youre bothering someone... I'll go to the basement if I were you..." She smiled then left.

"What the? Damn it Bluezy! We werent having sex! And Ever heard of knocking?!" Lapis shouted slamming the door shut.

And heard a mumble from the other room "If you guys werent having sex then, ever heard of personal space? You should try it sometimes! It might help you through college!" Bluezy shouted back,

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