Chapter 10:52

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When we reached the beach. We saw a stage where the play might happen. I was looking for Jamie when he decided to show up. He somehow startled me. "Oh good! You came! Inwas starting to worry that you bailed on me." 

"So... Jamie, whats the story about?" I said as I followed him towards the back of the stage. "Well, the story is about this guy and girl. Like a Romeo and Juliet kind of thing, BUT, no one dies. Only thing is that the lead characters wont be together at the end." "Okay, so Im going to be the lead female?" I asked. "Nope. YOU, are my lead male." Wait WHAT?! I heard Lapis trying not to laugh. "Wait, how did I became a guy character?" Lapis suddenly piped in and said, "Well if it isnt obvious smarty-pants, your hair looks like a guys'." I tried to look at my hair on my phone screen. It does. 

Jamie lead me to the back stage to meat the female lead. "Oh you'll love her so much! She's so good in acting!" Jamie squealed.  "Oh sweetheart!~ Your male lead has arrived." He sing-song. (Is that what u call it?) "I'll be down in a sec!" The girl said. She has an accent. A british I predict. "Aquamarine, meet Peridot. Peridot, meet Aquamarine." He said. Aquamarine looked at me head to toe and then smiled at me. Not those kind of smile that kids do, but those smile where the evil plot twist is about to happen. Like a villain kind of smile.

I shook her hands and Jamie gave us the scripts. 


That girl from South High. My sensors tells me that this girl... I mean, that this Aquamarine is a mythical bitch. An all-mighty thats for sure. Aquamarine, the all-mighty. She is a mythical bitch. 

(Heathers ehehehe)

After practice, they were still talking. Whew, its already getting late. My mom will kill me if she knows Im not home yet. I glanced at my phone to see what time it was:    5:38 pm. I walked towards Peridot and Ms. All mighty. I saw them about to touch hands, I ran and slapped Peridots hand. Peridot gave me a "what the fuck look." "Okay thats enough hand shaking! Time to go now! B-bye!!" 

"Dude what was that about?!" 


"Oh really? You slapping my hand was nothing? Okay then."

"Okay, its just, it looked like that Aquamarine bitch likes you..." I mummbled the you part. 

"Really? Huh. Poor her." 

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Im not interested. She's too short and yeah, sure, she's pretty. But she's shorter than me." 

I got sad on what she said about her not interested on having a girlfriend. I mean yeah, I know that she's gay and all. AAAAA WHY AM I LIKE THIS?!

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