Chapter 4:25

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After we ate lunch, we went back to the bus to get some rest. While we were on our way there, someone from behind got me and covered my eyes. I thought it was Peridot but there is no way that she'll reach this height of mine. Neither Squaridot. I uncovered my eyes to see a red headed girl, smiling with stars in her eyes. "Lapis!! Lokk at you! Youre so tall na! Remember me?" She said raising her arms high and shaking it. I smiled at how she looks the same from after I saw her. I couldnt believe it, she's actually here. "Dimitri! Homaigosh!! Ahahaha!! I miss you so much!" I hugged her tightly. "What are you doing here?!" I asked looking at her clothes. "Well! Im finally here! Im finally going to stay here for my whole life!" She said, filled with excitement. "What?! Really?! Wow! Thats a good thing to hear! How and why?" I asked. "Well, remember the last day we saw each other? I told my mom that when I reach 18 years old, I'll be living here to be with you!" She smiled. Wow.... Thats a bad thing to hear... My life is ruined.... I got this list of those who are my girlfriends and those who has a crush on me! 

1. Bunbun




Ya see? I got two girlfriends and one crush of mine at the same time! And Dem is back! Oh joy! 

"So, who's this gal pal of yours? Is she ya girlfriend?" She said smirking. "What! No, no she's not! She's just the sister of my girlfriend... Ehehehe..." She glared at me. "Then why arent you with your girlfriend?" Oh lord... "You see, she's my partner in—" "In life?" "No! She's my partner in—" "Your life???" "No! Can you like, let mw finish first?" "Okay, I can wait..." She smiled. "She's my partner in this fieldtrip! Get it?" 'Ooh.. Okay... So does that mean I still have a chance on you?" She asked impatiently. "Uhh... About that... You see..." "Ypu got yourself a new girlfriend?" "Can you just let me finish?! And yes! I have!" I said. "You know what? You should come by my house sometime. The address is—" I didnt finish my sentence cause Peridot pulled my sweater. "I'll just text you! Hope you havent change your number!"

"Who was that?" Peridot asked grumpily. "She was my crush when i was 13 yrs old. Why?" "Nothing." "Come on! She's really nice once you get to know her." "Well for me she's rude..." "Do I smell jealousy?" I smirked at her. "Who? Me? Jealous? Why would I be? She's not my type!" Oh wow really? "Wow, really? Then whats your type? Someone who is really tall? Cute? Tanned skin? Fiesty? Sexy? Older than you? Hot?" Her face flustered in embarasment. "Someone like......... I dont know? ........ Like me........?" Her face redden. "W-why would someone like me have a crush on someone like you? Whoever did fall in love with you, has the total of stupidity. Youre not even my type!" She shouted. And I just stayed quiet trying to hear her funny words.

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