Chapter 7:44

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After a long chat and gossip with my friends. We bid our goodbyes. Too bad they cant stay here for an overnight. I glanced at the clock and saw that it was still 8:00 in the evening. I still have time to change my mind on going to the party. But I dont want to leave Peridot alone. Whatever. I don't want to o anymore.
I went upstairs and into my room where Peridot is still there on the study desk. Whatever, if I cant change your mind then I'll just be here reading my love letters...
I opened the first letter and saw that  it was from the guy me and Peridot bumped into.

Dear Lazuli,
                 I got your surname from someone at my batch. Im so sorry for wasting your time on reading this.

Oh gosh. He did waste my time there. "Hey, Peri! Help me read all these letters!!! You said  that you'll be my date for tonight." I shouted like a child.
"Alright." Peridot replied in a grumpy tone.
I patted the bed gesturing her to sit beside me. And did so. I gave her half of the letters to read aloud.

"Dear Lapis,
        It is I, your secret admirer. I hope you'll be my wife in the future.
                   Signed, the one who leaves you pictures of you."
Peridot snickered. "Creepy. I didnt know you have a pedophile stalker..." Lapis looked at the letter and definitely knew  who it was.

"Dear Ms. Lazuli,
I like you. Be mine. Be my date for the party." Lapis snorted when she realized no one signed it. "Looks like this one got scared of naming there self."

A lot of letters have finally read. And there was still one letter left. Lapis took it and saw that it was neatly stamped with red wax to lock the envelope. It had a sea animal design at the bottom of the envelope. Lapis neatly opened it because she didn't want to ruin a handmade enveloped. (She could tell that it was handmade. Lapis has magic eyes ( *-* )

"Hey Baby,
   I've been noticing you looking at me at the basketball court earlier. Tell me, do you like me? Are you obsessed with me? Well you must be. You see, I have this effect on people."

I couldn't take it any longer. I knew exactly who it is.

That Lowlife douche bastard Kevin....
"Kevin..." Muttered Peridot with a face.

All that reading made me tired. I had to go to sleep. There's still school tomorrow. I wonder how the others are gonna go to school if they have hangovers??? Maybe it was a good thing that Peridot didn't want to go.

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