Chapter 10:53

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Peri was humming a song on our way home. I some how know it, I just dont know what it is, where its from, and who the singer is. So I dont know it.

"Radwimps. From Kimi No Na Wa. Sparkle."

"Oh." So thats why... Ehehehe...

"So... Lapis. Are you busy at August?"

"Well I have no plans yet, why do you ask?" 

"Well, the play will be happening in August, I was hoping that you can watch me..."

"Yeah, sure! I'll watch you." Wait... what month is it. *mutter mutter* 

"Wait..., its already May, You only got 3 months to prepare. How are you gonna do that?"

"You're talking to the pro here Lapis. How do you even wonder on how I memorized the Periodic Table of Elements in a week? I can do it.

"I mean, yeah. But its very different from numbers to words."

"Trust me. I can do it."


A week later

After school, me and the others decided to visit Rose. Apparently, she hasnt gone to school. Nor enrolled for this year. And of course, its because she's still pregonant with her baby. 

"I want the name to be Steven!" Peridot shouted out of nowhere, taking us all by surprise.
"Okay, then Peridot. We'll name it Steven." "O-or if its a girl, name it Nora!" She said in excitement. "Lapis dear, where is Pearl and Amethyst?" Rose asked. "They said they couldnt make it. They had a pretty long class together." "Oh, I see." I saw her sad face, I had to make it happy again so she wouldnt get stressed out. "But its okay, they asked me to say hi to you, so..., Hi!" She laughed at my (not so funny) joke. I looked on my wrist watch and saw that it was getting late. "Hey uh, Rose. We should probably go, its getting late. We'll visit you next week okay?" I told Rose and she nodded. "Come on guys  lets go home." I told Peri, Jasper and Garnet. 


"Man, I'm beat!" Peridot said as she got into the bed covers. "You practically didnt do anything in Rose's house, you basically just shouted, screamed and yelled. I bet Rose got stressed about you."  I only heard  a giggle out of Peridpt. I looked at her and saw that she was on her phone. "Who you texting?" I asked getting curious. "Oh, it's just Aquamarine." Oh, its her again...

The next morning

I woke up, seeing Peridot in deep sleep. It was a weekend today. Maybe me and Peridot should stay indoors, it looks like its about to pour any minute now.

I snuggled in closer to Peridot, which surprised me that she wasnt squirming. My face was already touching her neck, I was a little worried that I might wake her up, good thing I didnt, she snuggled to me closer. I kinda liked her body's warmth.

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