Chapter 1:6

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What?! "Youre not a guy?" "Nope, what makes you think Im a guy?" She asked. "Well, your voice, your outfit, except for your hair. You have a medium hair, and your cute face." She blushed by realizing my idiocity of saying that she's cute. "Anyways. I gotta go, my mom's waiting for me in the house." I said looking at my phone. "Oh..... Um do you have any ride to go there?" She asked. "Um not really." I said scratching the back of my head. "Well I get you there. It might be dangerous to leave someone beautiful like you outside at this time." She chuckled. "Are you...... Flirting with me?" I asked somehow a smile crept on my face when she said "yes, maybe." We were going outside when we got blocked by Peridot. "Where do you think you're going?" She said.  "Im going to send her home. Why?" Sqauridot asked. "N-nothing... I-I can take her home." She said holding my arm. "No it's okay dude, I can do it by myself." Squaridot said. "I know where she lives." Peridot said. Alright this is getting out of hand. "Alright! You both can take me home. My mom's waiting for me. Can we now please go home now?" I asked the two. And with that we went out of Amethyst's house and went to the train station.

"So, Lapis. What do you do for a living?" Squaridot asked. "Well for starters, I'm a Vice President of our Student council. I draw alot. I'm a swimmer and a soccer player." I said. "Huh, it looks like you and Peridot have the same hobbys." She said jerking her thumb at her. Peridot was too busy to listen and chat with us since she was listening to her music. "Really?" I asked. "Oh yeah, she likes soccer, and drawing. She's also a photographer and a player." She explained. Finally, we got to my house. "Well, goodnight you two." I said waving at them but Peridot was still busy. I was on the steps of the house when suddenly I was pulled by Squaridot and asked for my number. "Wow. You're so sweet, thanks for getting me back home safe." I went closer to Squaridot and kissed her cheek and stared at her and went inside the house. "Honey, is that you?" My mom asked. "No mom, its a burglar who accidentally had keys with her." I said. I went upstairs in my room and lied on my bed. Omigosh I just kissed a girl. I. Just. Kissed. A. Girl. I can't believe this, my heart's beating so fast. I went to the bathroom and looked at my face who is already as red as a tomato. I went back to my bed and add Squaridot's number on my contacts.

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