Chapter 5:34

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Peridot's pov

"Mmfff..." I grunted as I get up. "You fucking shit! You expect me to know that you didnt asked for mom's permission and lie about it?" I asked angrily. "Shut the fuck up!" She yelled and ran towards me. "Holy shit! Peridot! Are you okay?" Some of my teammates said. Bitch! Does it look like Im okay?! I thought as I tried to dodged Squaridot's kick. But failed. She kicked me away and I hit the walls of the quadrangle.

Lapis's pov

We were having a pop quiz when I saw three securities running on the hallway, Miss Sunstone stopped them to ask what was going on but the class got noisy so it was hard to eavesdrop. Later on, the whole class (except me) moved to the left side of the class where the big windows has the view of the whole quadrangle, suddenly I heard someone said Peridot's name. Then a little while later, Jasper grabbed me out of the classroom. "Hey! Watch it!" I said releasing my arm from her grip. She pulled me hard and stopped. "Damn it Lapis! Cant you see whats happening right now?" What? "What do you mean? Whats going on?" I asked.

A/N: Damn Lapis, you are so stupid. You are so damn dense.

"Your girlfriend is beating the hell out of Peridot!" She yelled.
I ran as fast as I could just to get to the quadrangle on time, even Jasper cant gain on me. By the time I got there, Squaridot was beating the daylights out of Peridot. I ran to where they were and pulled Squaridot away from Peridot who's face is covered in blood. Oh gosh Peridot... I pushed Square and said: "Square! What the hell is wrong with you?!" "Get out of the way Lapis, this isnt your fight!" "This is MY fight Square! Youre my girlfriend and she is my friend! You need to stop this! This isnt you..." I said pointing at Peridot then clenched my fists. "She's trying to ruin our relationship babe. She told mom about us!" "The only one who is ruining this relationship is YOU! And what do you mean by telling your mom? Dont tell me that you didnt...." It went dead silent when I paused then... "Babe... Please I can explain-" "Enough Squaridot... We're done... Lets break up." I turned my back away from her and went to get Peri. I scooped Peri near the walls of the quadrangle, oh gosh.... She's hella bleeding... I cant even identify her face, i dont even know if this is Peridot Im carrying.

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