Chapter 2:15

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Later on, it was 7:32 pm and Square wasnt there yet. I thought that maybe she should just bail out but a few moments later the doorbell rang and I went on full speed and got downstairs. I opened the door and saw two blondes outside. The both of them had a medium lenght of hair, the other's hair was really wet. Then the other one had freckles and glasses. While the other one had few freckles. They were really similar to each other, so its hard to know who Square and Peridot is. Luckily I know my girlfriend too much. But the only problem is that Peridot doesnt know that we're together. Eh she doesnt even care if we are together. "Come on in!" I said gesturing. Lmao. We went straight to my bedroom. Squaridot was happy to be in my room again, while the other one kept on scanning my room. And yes, its Peridot. "I haven't been in your room or your house since last 2 days ago!" Squaridot chuckled, handing a pizza to me. "What do you mean by "since last 2 days ago?" Amethyst asked smirking. "It was the last time we made out." By the time Square sai that, Peridot chocked on her water. Spraying it on us. "Whoops... Sorry." She said shrugging. Looks like she was really surprised.

We played some games and nope we didnt play spin the bottle or truth or dare since those ar cliché and typical games. We couldnt think of another game so we did some drinking and story tellings. "When I was a kid, *hiccup* I had a crush on this guy named Arvin. *hiccup* I met him at Keystone Oregon. He was a really great guy, I only met him because I had to go to my relative's house for summer. Lmao" To be honest with you... I am totally drunk! "But then he didnt return my liking for him. So for the past few summers I didnt went there until when I was 13 yrs old. When I went back there, I was surprised that he was *hiccup* looking for me. And I was like.... You son of a bitch! You think it was that easy to forget the thing you did to me? And then he apologized to me and after that, I didnt go back there." "Wooo! Hardcore Lapis!" "Im A Total Trash Mammal!!" I said and puked.

Yeah! 3 updates for the night! Im sleepy papi, it's already 3:02 in the midnight. Need sleep. Gnight y'all or Gmorning!

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