Chapter 1:8

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"Just leave me alone, God Damn it!" She yelled. "F-fine! Let's do it your way! Dont ever come near me again!" I yelled back. With that, I ran back to the campus and went to the nearest restroom and cried for an hour. I went outside and saw the school closing down. I ran as fast as I can just to make it outside and wont be locked inside. I went to my house and locked myself up. I fished my phone in my pocket who has been vibrating ever since I got home. I saw a text from Jasper. She sent me a video. I played the video and saw Peridot going upstairs and slamming the door. Under the video she sent me she texted me saying; "what happened to her?". I texted her back saying; "long story." I let out a sigh after sending it to her. For the next two hours, I did my homework and scrolled down to my Instagram acc. and saw Jasper's post. "My sister got angry today. Dunno why?"

By the time I finished scrolling down my IG, I went to sleep. Woke up very early and checked my Tumblr acc for anything new. Saw Daily-Danny's post and started fangirling. ( he is not real. Dont try to search him). Later on I had this crazy thought about stalking Peridot but I thought that that maybe awkward since we got into a fight. My stomach's grumbling~ Im hungry~! I went down to see if there's anything to eat. I took the pancake out of the cabinet and the bacon out of the chiller and started cooking. Since mom is still sleeping, I should just make some for me. Enough is good. I went back upstairs and ate there. A little while later at excactly 2:05 am. Someone texted me saying that I should look outside. I obeyed and looked outside and saw Squaridot. Waving. I smiled by the fact seeing him— I mean her. I slid my window open for her to go inside. She climbed up the roof until she got on the window of where I am. My room is actually an attic but I decorated it since I like living in big spaces. Squaridot went inside and took a look around her surroundings. "Your room is pretty cool." She said. "Thanks. Anyways, are you guys relatives? You and Peridot?" I asked. "Oh yeah. Im a family relative alright. Im her twin sister." Asdfghjk "what? Seriously?" "Yeah." Wtfishappeninginmylife?!?! "Anyways the reason why I came here is to say that.... I like you Lapis. I really really like you." "Oh, I um.... Wow.... That was surprising. I actually like you too." Awkward silence........

Wink wonk 

Tan skin and Blonde hair {On Hiatus}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora