Chapter 12:58

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Day of the play


Okay... "Peri! You memorized those lines?" I asked. "Sure did!" Of course she did. "I told you id memorized it in a week." "Dont get so cocky nerd. You might get your tongue tied when youre at the stage." I said to her. We were getting ready for the play. Peridot walked out of the bathroom door wearing her prince outfit and her hair slicked back like a total guy, okay okay... I guess you could say that I blushed a little. "I must say Peri, you look hot tonight. You might just knock off my panty." "L-Lapis! What the fuck?!" I havent told Peridot about my feelings for her, but Im showing her. 

She wore this cute prince outfit, and it was perfect on her. It had this strips dangling on her shoulder I have no fucking idea what those things are called. And she had this sword, and it was just perfect on her I want to say more things but there was no time. "W-well, you l-look h-hot yourself t-too L-Lapis." She stuttered. "Thanks!" "I like your outfit." My outfit was fine, it was just a blue blouse and a skirt with a tie and combat boots to fit in with it. "Now lets go! Or youll be late!" I said yanking her. 

Mom drove us at the beach, it was where the play was going to happen. We bid goodbye to my mom and went to the stage. The play was about to start until I got this text from Amethyst. 


We were at the back stage and on our way to the make up room. Until I realized Lapis stopped following me. I looked back and went towards her. "Hey, you okay? Why did you stop walking?" I asked and she was just frozen. She showed me her phone and my eyes went wide. I have to find Jamie stat. "Jamie? Jamie? Jamie!?"  I searched for him. "Jamie!" I called once I spotted him.

"Yo! Super Star, whats up? Shouldnt you be in the dressing room getting ready?" He asked. "W-well Jamie... I cant be in this stage. Not right now! I-I have to go! Can you cove up for me? Since you know all the lines! Please! You have to! If I cant be where Im supposed to be right now, I might freak out on the stage!" I blabbered in front of Jamie. "Hmm, okay okay... Ill cover up for you, but this isnt going to end well, Aquamarine isnt going to like this." He said, putting his index finger and thumb on his forehead. "Its going to be fine! I-I have to go!" I said running off.

"Come on Lapis!" I called.

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