Chapter 12:57

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"Lapis! Next week is my play! Are you gonna come? You promised to come!" Peridot said as she jumped up and down. "Chill man, chill. Ill come." I said as I got my bag and walked out of the classromm door. "So..., what is your role again?" I asked. "I am the prince! Which I dont really like to be in the play." "Then why dont you just you know... Not attend it. And let Jamie cover up for you?" "I would like to, but I want to stand out for my crush." Oh! Oh. oh.... "I see you have a crush. What a lucky guy.... Or girl." Anyways, I forgot that I was going to get milkshakes with Amethyst. "Uh... Peridot... I was actually going to get milkshakes with Amethyst... I was thinking that you might wanna join us."


I-is she asking me on a d-date? Wait it cant be a date if theres a third wheel... Hmmm. Damn it Amethyst! "Well?" Lapis asked, waiting for my answer"oh uh, okay." "Great! Amethyst is going to meet me at the shop ! Lets go!"

When we got to the diner, Amethyst was already there sitting. "Yo Laipis! Why'd you bring the dork?" Amethyst called. "Oh, uh... I dont want to leave her behind so, I brought her with me. Is it okay with you?" "Eh... Fine why not?" Am i interrupting something? "Hey dork! Hope you dont mind, sure you wont get uncomfortable about being the third wheel?"  "Uh..., its not a big deal." I said. Of course I mind! What the hell Peridot? If youre going to be like this! I insist you not liking Lapis anymore! "Hey there, can I take youre order?" "Um, me and Amethyst would like the Blueberry and Strawberry delight. It would be in just one cup." Lapis said. "Oh, you must be the third wheel? What would you be having today? Oh! How about try our best tasting smoothie we have!" "O-okay..." Come one man! I know Im the third wheel! You dont need to rub it in! "So one Blueberry and Strawberry Delight and one The Third Wheeler's cup. That would be $40." "Here, Ill pay." Lapis said. 


Pffffftt ahahahaha!!! Man! This is so fucking funny! Ahahahae! Okay okay! If some of you havent guessed it... Me and Amethyst are pulling a prank on Peri, on being the third wheel and making her jealous! Were pretending to be dating Ahaha! And the waitress is also part of the prank ahahaha!!! I am so bad! I dont deserve Peridot! Ahahaha!!! Fuck! I cant stop laughing. After the smoothie, we went outside. "Anyways you guys, I have to go home. See you tomorrow bae. You too Peridog." Amethyst said reaching for me and giving me a fake kiss on the cheeks, but Peridot got me by the arm and pulled me away from Amethyst.

While we were walking, Peridot spoke. "So..., you and Amethyst huh.... Never thought you guys would end up together." "Says who that we were dating?" "Its obvious Lapis. You dont have to lie about it." "I would never date Amethyst. If you dont believe me, thats fine." "Yeah, I totally dont beli—"  Sorry but I couldnt. I pulled her uniform and I planted my lips on Peridot's so she would believe me that I wasnt dating Amethyst. "Now, do you believe me?" I asked and she shook her head. "Alright." And I kissed her again. I pulled away and asked "What about now?" She shook her head again. "Alright thats enough. If you want a kiss from me, just ask me."

Tan skin and Blonde hair {On Hiatus}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat