Painful Thoughts

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Natalie's POV

" Natty, you ok?" I heard Noel. He hugged me tightly. I couldn't kept myself calm I felt two drops of tears escaped my eyes and many followed them. I hugged him tightly.

" What happened?" I heard my dad and Noel pointed at the TV. I stayed still as Dad grasped.

" When has that happened?" Dad asked.

" I don't know. Just turned on the TV and saw this." He said.

" And you showed her this first!! Are you mad!!!" Dad shouted at Noel.

" Sorry, Dad. I couldn't understand what to do." Noel apologized.

" It's.. it' his f..f..fault, Dad." I said as he hugged me and picked out his phone to call someone.

" You go call your mom and others." Dad said to Noel and he ran out. I was all cold. Where is Leo!!

" Leo!!!" I whispered his name.

" Rick!! Where is Mr. & Mrs. Franquez?" Dad asked.

" Hmm, alright. If you can find out Leo -"

" Oh, ok. Let him go then." He said and hung up.

" Leo?" I asked my dad.

" He needs to reach his family at this moment." He said and I looked around blankly. Suddenly I heard people entering the room. I kept my face burying on Dad's chest. He patted my back. I was worried about Leo.

" I want to go to him." I mumbled.

" We will, princess." Dad said. I felt I was cold.

" What happened?" I saw my Mom. She panicked looking at us and Dad pointed at the TV which was still showing the news and her eyes widened.

" I wanted to tell something more but I don't think it's a perfect time to say that." Noel said.

" What?" Dad asked.

" That.." Noel stopped.

" Come on, boy. Spill everything." Dad said looking at Noel.

" Dad, Sam Pallette has committed suicide this morning inside jail." Noel said. I don't care Sam lives or dies. I want to reach Leo as soon as it is possible.

" Who told you?" Dad asked him.

" I saw the news this morning. It happened last night. You all were so busy with wedding preparations may be you guys didn't check the news today." He said.

" Water?" I said and Noel handed me a glass of water. I drank it in one go.

" Natty!!" I heard my twin. She ran to me at once and hugged me tightly.

" Nate." I just kept hugging her. She patted my back though she was sobbing. We broke the hug and she kept hugging me from the side. I saw Chris looking at the screen for a while and then picked out his phone.

" Hello, Alvaro!!!" He called Alvaro. He was Leo's security incharge.

" Heard everything. Where is she now?" Chris asked.

" I am really sorry for the incident but wanted to tell you that you guys need to be alert cause; Leo, Mr. & Mrs. Franquez are coming. Whoever attacked Mrs. Franquez can attack them as well. Be alert and take them home safely just increase securities. I bet you know your duty better than me." He said.

" You're welcome. Take care. Don't worry about us. We will take care." He said and hung up.

" I want to go there." I said.

" We will go there." I heard Eddie.

" Babe, go change." Chris said to Nate. She nodded and ran upstairs.

" I think we didn't get confused about who did it?" Noel asked.

" Pallette. I knew that Pallette will try to attack but not that soon. Besides, I didn't know that Mrs. Franquez had left for Brazil already. I hope Leo and his parents doesn't get into this situation." Chris said.

" Nothing will happen to them." I said. " I want to go there as soon as it possible." I stood up.

" Sit down and calm yourself, Natalie. This is not you. Come back to yourself. Hold on. You can't lose yourself in this situation." Chris said.

" He is right, Sweetie." Ellie said and I sat down and covered my face with my palms. That's not me. That's really not me. I can't break down. I am strong. I am not weak. I am fire girl. I can't let myself lose in this situation. I need to take the control over me. I took breath in and breath out trying to hold myself back.

" If you break down then Leo will lose himself. He is already broken. If you don't help him he will be completely broken and he will lose himself." Mom said and I nodded still closing my eyes.

" We need to get the jet ready. It will take approximately 11 to 12 hours to reach there. I think they already left. We need to assure securities before we leave." Alan said.

" Everything will be ok, Natty. Don't break down." I heard Noel. I nodded slightly. I need to reach there as soon as I can.

" We can't leave the kids here." Ellie said.

" I don't think it is a good idea all of you to go there." Chris said and he got a glare from Nemo.

" I can't wait to break the face of the killer." She said fisting her hands. " You better not stop me." She said and he sighed.

" He won't try to reach us cause his rivalry is only with Axton, Knight and Franquez. He will try to reach only you guys. If you still have doubts then we can go there separately. This how he won't find us easily." Theo said.

" Call. I like the idea." Alan said.

" I will try to find out his hideout just send me information about him." Flynn said.

" Sweater?" I found Nate making me wear a sweater. I was shivering.

" You too change." Ellie said I nodded and walked towards my room. I took a quick shower and wore whatever I got in front of me. I just came out wearing the sweat. I need to go there as soon as I can.

I was thinking about Leo. He must be needing me. I want to be with him now. I can understand why didn't he inform me. Cause he was totally lost. The thought of him getting hurt already sliced my heart. This was really really painful thoughts.

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