Like You

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Leonardo's POV

" How is it?" Grandma asked me as I took a bite from the cookies. I gave her a thumbs up.

" East or West, Grandma is the best." Natasha said and she hugged her grandma. She smiled.

" Kids!!!" I heard Mrs. Axton.

" Yes, Mom?" Natalie said.

" Hadwins invited us in their dinner party." She said and I looked at Natalie.

" I won't come, Mom. I am sorry." She said.

" But why, Natalie? George is a close friend of yours. Won't he be upset?" Mrs. Axton asked.

" I don't care, Mom. I don't want to go." She said.

" That wasn't nice." Mr. Axton said.

" Sorry Mom, I don't -" she was saying.

" We are going, Mrs. Axton, thank you." I said smilingly. She looked at me and smiled. Natalie looked at me weirdly. I smiled looking at her. I nodded at her. She sighed.

" What's wrong, Princess?" Mr. Axton asked. She shook her head.

" May be they fought." Grandma said.

" I just am not feeling well to attend the party." She said.

" Very well." Mr. Axton said.

" Oh, okay. Then you don't have to come." Mrs. Axton said.

" We will come." I said and she nodded weakly.

" Oh, ok then." Mrs. Axton said.

" Yes, we will be there." I said looking at Natalie who gave me an irritated face and then sighed.

" Ok, Dad. We are coming." She said.

" Very good then." Mr. Axton said.

" Then what's more, Christian? You said Pallette has backed off from their ways. Are you sure?" Mr. Axton asked Chris.

" I have send people around they will assure us soon." Chris said.

" Don't let the guard down." Mr. Axton said.

" I am keeping them until everything is cleared. No use of living in an illusion." Chris said. " Besides, Pallette has a lot of influence. I don't want to take risk." Chris said. What are they talking about Pallette!!!

" Very well then. If we made him totally clueless then he will break down. He can move away and leave the UK.

" I think they will reach Russia to find a safe fortress." Chris said.

" Alright, then. I will keep them alert." Mr. Axton said.

" There is another empire they are trying to bring down besides Axton and Knight. But it's not cleared who they are." Christian said.

" Try to find them out and make them alert. I don't want Pallette cause harm to anyone like this. They need to suffer first." Mr. Axton said.

" Will do that. No worries." Chris said and Mr. Axton nodded.

I was totally puzzled. I needed to know what they were talking about. I really really want to know cause this Pallette has caused several harms for is. But until now they couldn't do anything but a less. That was not so harmful but I am sure theyhe will hit back again. I needed to be careful. I might need Christian's help. I will ask him about the whole situation as soon as we finish the breakfast. I silently took my breakfast. Soon we finished our breakfast and I came back to my room. Some time later I decided to go to Christian's room. I reached his room and knocked.

" Come in." He said and I walked inside. " Leo?" He asked.

" Yes, wanted to talk to you about something." I said and sat across him.

" Tell me. Has Natalie done something?" He asked.

" She has done many things but I am not talking about her here. I wanted to ask you about something." I said to him directly looking at his eyes. He looked at me for a while and then approved me ahead gesturing me to ask him the question.

" What's the problem with Pallette?" I asked him. He looked at me blankly.

" Come on. Tell me." I said and he sighed.

" Apparently, they are the cause that made Axton and Knight enemies long back. It created a lot of damage. It made us fight like dogs. But it's cleared now that everything was plotted by that Pallette. Now it's playback time. If they are not given an answer they will keep bothering us and which I don't want to happen again." He said. " Not now when Axton and Knight have become a family. I will take care of it." He said.

" I needed to tell you that, Pallette tried to make a move to us too." I said and he gritted.

" What did he do?" He asked.

" I exactly don't know. I will talk to Dad about it and inform you. But I think he has tried to influence our associates." I said.

" Bloody!!!!" He said.

" Yeah, bloody!!!." I said and sighed.

" Need to do something soon before they spoil everything." He said.

" Yes." I said.

" I will look after it." He said. I talked with him for some time more then came out. I reached near the kitchen and found Natalie talking with her grandma.

" Ok, no worries. I will get the groceries." She said and took the list from her grandma.

" Thank you, Sweetie." Grandma said smilingly.

" I can join her and help her, grandma." I said winking at her. She smiled and left.

" I was about to take you with me anyway." She said. " I don't like to carry the stuffs at all." She said and I laughed.

" Is this the way to tell me that you want to spend time with me alone?" I asked her smirkingly.

" In your dream." She said.

" My dreams doesn't help me with the mere things." I said and winked at her. She elbowed meat at once.

" Pervert." she said.

" That was hard." I said as I rubbed the place she elbowed on my chest.

" Take it you pervert." She said and I smirked at her.

" Do you want to see some pervert activities?" I asked her smirkingly.

" No, I am fine." I said.

" But I am not." I said pulling her closer.

" Leo!!! We are getting late." She said.

" No accuses." I said and hold her tightly. I slowly placed kisses on her neck and she trembled a bit. I left her and she was closing her eyes.

" Open your eyes, Babe. I am done for now." I said and she looked at me glaring.

" Don't dare to do it like that." She said.

" Like what!!!" I asked.

" In public." She said.

" So, I can do it in private, right?!!" I said.

" Pervert!!! Not allowed." She said and walked passed me. I laughed hard.

" Why not, Babe? You feel something?" I asked her.

" Yes, felt." She said.

" Felt love?" I asked.

" No, felt weird cause you are making me stupid like you." She said and I laughed.

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