A Serious Talk

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Natalie's POV

" Leo slept?" Mrs. Franquez asked me.

" Yes, he slept." I said to her.

" Want some coffee?" She asked us.

" Meeee." Nate squealed like a baby. I sighed. This girl and her obsession for coffee!!!

" Daisy!!!" She called the maid.

" Ma'am?." The maid said.

" Coffee." Mrs. Franquez said.

" In a while." She left. Wow!! That was a really short conversation.

"  Thank you, Christian. For everything. If you weren't there today, God knows what would have happened." Mrs. Franquez said to Chris.

" You no need to thank me, Mrs. Franquez. It was my responsibility. Besides I knew he has some lack of sense." Chris said. I glared at him. " What!!" He asked me. " It's true. He thought that Pallette will come out and attack him if he goes there alone and this how he can make Pallette come out of his hideout?!! But he is not that stupid. He is cunning. He will do something now." He said.

" I can't stop this boy." His mom said. " He never listens to me." She said and everyone turned to me.

" What?" I asked. They all nodded.

" No. He doesn't listen to me as well." I said shaking my head.

" You are the only hope." Mrs. Franquez said that to me and I sighed.

" Pallette are so dangerous. If he directly killed them then it would create a havoc and their people would have killed him already. He chose to sue them it was right until he let down his securities." He said. " You don't even know how dangerous they are. Now, I can only suggest Leo to let police handle this. He should stay away from this. I am not saying that cause I am afraid of Pallette. If it was me I would do that which is perfect for this situation just kept myself calm. I am saying that cause I have a feeling that there is a traitor in his own team. Until he finish him none of his trick is going to work. At first we need to find out the traitor. As long as the traitor is between us in this kind of situation we can't win. Never ever." Chris said and I nodded. I need to find it out.

" Should I send Column to investigate it?" Noel asked.

" No need, I have told Quinns and his team is working. You better send people to find out Pallette. I think he is still in London. If he is then it won't be hard to find out his hideout." Chris said.

" Just shot him in his head as soon as you get him." I gritted. How dare he shot Leo!!!

" No, just don't do it. We will hand him over to police. We won't kill anyone." Chris said.

" Why?" I gritted.

" Cause, this is why Leo sued him. If he wanted he could have killed them already. But he didn't. We should respect the law and Leo's decision as well." He said.

" Alright. Now what do you guys want me to do?" I asked them.

" Just keep Leo away from this. Let the others handle it. Cause, Pallette will come back for him. Soon and that time he will be more dangerous." Chris said.

" God!! Save my son." Mrs. Franquez said.

" Don't get tensed, Mrs. Franquez. Nothing will happen to him until we are here." Chris said and we nodded.

" We won't let Pallette hurt him. They already had done enough damage to the us. If this started then started for the destruction." I said. I will definitely shot him if I see him anywhere. I don't give a damn. " I will try my best to make Leo understand the situation." I said.

" You have to. Keep him distracted from that." Chris said.

" Ma'am, coffee." We saw Daisy came back holding coffee. We took the coffee and I was thinking how to make him stay away from this!!!

" So, here is Pallette. Is he the same Pallette whom we met in the cafe, Chris?" Nate asked Chris.

" Yes, Babe. I told you he is a bad sign." He said wrapping one arm around her looking at her lovingly. I sighed this two!!!

" Public place alert." I said.

" We were doing nothing." Nate said.

" If you don't want to get stuck with each other then let air come between you two." Noel said sipping his coffee. Nate glared at him and then pouted.

" Ignore him." Chris said to Nate and Mrs. Franquez laughed.

" You two sisters are totally opposite." She said to us.

" Appearently yes but if someone tries to hurt anyone of them you should see the other's reaction." Noel said.

" I didn't think that Natasha is an angry girl." She said.

" She has a latent volcano inside her. That volcano seldom erupts but when erupts it creates destruction." Noel said. I sighed.

That true. Natasha's anger is dangerous. She is like an angel always but not when she is angry. May be in her whole life she got angry one day and she created a real destruction. What did she do!!! Umm, alright story for another day. 😉😉😉

" We should leave now. It's already 12:30 in the morning." Chris said.

" Yes, I think we should go." I said.

" Alright, guys. I am so happy that you all came." Mrs. Franquez said.

" Where is Mr. Franquez?" I asked.

" He is in Brazil for some works. He was too worried all the day. He had some meetings there. He cancelled every meeting and coming back." Mrs. Franquez said and I sighed. I can understand their emotions towards Leo. He is the only child of them.

We bid her bye and came back. Apparently Chris left us at home. He didn't let us come alone. It was childish. No need to do it. But I didn't protest. I was tired. I got freshen up and changed into my night attire and I took my phone and messaged Jonny who called me several times. I told him that I couldn't come tomorrow cause it was Leo's birthday. I saw a message from another unknown number.

" How was that?!! Do you think the shooter missed the bullet? It was intentional. Next time the bullet won't get confused with his arm and heart."

That's it. You will not get a next time. I need to talk to Leo in this matter tomorrow. A serious talk.

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