Great Fools

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Leonardo's POV

" I don't trust you." I said to her.

" Trust me, ok?" She said.

" No, I don't." I said shaking my head. She glared at me and snatched the key from me.

" Get in." She said glaring at me. I sighed and got in the car. She is crazy. I shook my head.

" Drive safely." I told her putting on the seatbelt. " Don't speed up crazily." I told her.

" Where is the fun in that?" She asked me evilly.

" What do you think here is not fun?" I asked her as she started the car.

" Relax, I won't speed up crazily." She said. I took a sigh of relief.

" Thanks God." I said.

" But are you afraid of speed or what?" She asked.

" No, I am not." I said.

" Then?" She asked.

" I don't trust you with speeding up crazily. This is why I was saying not to speed up crazily. And I have a bad experience with speeding up crazily." I said and sighed remembering that incident.

" I wanna know. Let's hear how bad that experience was?!!" She asked and I looked at her blankly.

" Don't show me this face. It won't work. Come on. Start over. Hurry up." She said.

" Can you just forget it? I don't want to share it." I said.

" I am curious. Now you have to share it with me or else I will speed up crazily." She threatened me. I glared at her. She smirked at me. I sighed.

" Ok, fine, fine. You won. I lost." I said and she smiled widely.

" Spill." She said taking the turn.

" It was 7 years back." I started to tell her the incident.

" Yes, I am all ears." She said.

Should I tell her?! Or should I not?! It has been too many years. It has past already. Why be sad remembering things like that?! I don't know if I want to tell him or not. I don't know.

" Times up. Start over." She whined. I sighed.

" 7 years back we were shooting a movie in LA. It was fun the crew was very happy at the last day of shoot. We wanted to have some fun. So, appearently every single one were drunk that night. But I wasn't allowed to drink. I was 17 then." I said.

" You started acting from very early age." She said.

" Yes, I started acting from when I was 8." I said.

" Oh, very very early age." She said.

" Yeah. I know." I said.

" Then? What happened then?" She asked.

" I, Rafael and my friend Jhon  were under age so we decided to come back to hotel as we had an early flight the next morning. We came back to our room and went to sleep. In the midnight there was someone knocking in my door. I was in half sleep but I somehow opened the door and found Rafael and Jhon were on the door with cops. I was shocked seeing them there. I was in half sleep and was in shock seeing the cops in the midnight." I said.

" What's wrong? Why were they on your doorstep?" She asked me.

" Patience Babe, patience." I said to her. " Let me finish." I said and chuckled.

" Continue." She said.

" Curiosity kills the cat." I said smirkingly.

" Tell me already. Were you drunk?" She asked.

" Nah, Babe." I said.

" Then?" She asked.

" The whole team of the movie were in the bar getting drunk. Only me, Rafael and Jhon were absent along with the assistant of the director of the movie. She was a bit sick. So, she didn't join." I said.

" Then? Why the cops were there?" She asked.

" They were checking if I was alright." I said.

" What? Why?" She asked.

" So, what happened was the crew and the others were in a car and all were drunk. The car met an accident and everyone in the car was dead." I said and her eyes widened.

" What!!!" She asked.

" Yeah." I said.

" I thought you had heard about it. This is one of a tragedy in the industry. This is known as 'The L.A.S.T. tragedy. The movie name was L.A.S.T." I said.

" All the crew died?" She asked.

" Yeah, all of them." I said remembering it.

" I might heard about it but I didn't gave a damn until now." She said.

" It's one of painful memories." I said. " The movie was about four friends named : Laura, Andie, Sean and Tyler. My role in the movie was as Tyler. Kind of science fictional comedy movie. I still remember those co-star of worked as Laura, Andie and Sean. They were : Paris, Lisa and Jack. Like 2 hours before the incident I was with them hanging out together but after 2 hours everything gone. Finished. I was too much in shock after that incident. All happened for speeding up crazily. They were drunk and was driving recklessly. I don't know what took over them to do so." I finished. She was looking at the road blankly.

" This must be painful for you loosing your friends like this." She said.

" Very very. I suffered a lot after that. I took 2 years of break from work. I came back when I was 19. It worked. I have to work hard for being this Leo today you can see." I said and at the same time we reached at the restaurant. She parked the car and we got down from the car.

" From now onwards share everything with me. I am always there to listen to you." She said and I looked at her shocked and she smiled tugging herself with me. I smiled listening her.

" Let's go. They are waiting for us." She said. We entered the restaurant and she called a waitress there who was looking at me with widen eyes. I waved at the people. I bet they already recognized me.

" Reservation for Christian Knight?" She asked.

" It's in the second floor." She pointed and we went there finding Christian and Natasha already there. We ordered first. The food came and we started to talk.

" So, Dad said yes?" Natasha asked me.

" Yes, he did. But threatened too." I said.

" Yeah, I know." Christian said. " He must've."

" Tell me how did you convinced him?" I asked Christian. He looked at Natalie and then both sighed.

" Our parents made us fool." Natalie said.

" Well, how?" I asked.

" You won't want to hear." She said.

" But I do." I said and she shook her head. But she told the whole story and I was like will I laugh out loud or not!!! I decided to take option A. I laughed out loud and they glared at me. Being fool is not bad some time. I kept laughing along with Natasha. What a plan it was!!!

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