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Natalie's POV

" Where are we going?" I asked him.

" Going to somewhere out of the city. I want some privacy." He said.

"  Why do we need some  privacy?" I asked.

" We need it, Babe." He said.

" I couldn't understand why." I said.

" You yourself wanted to spend time with me without any fans bothering us." He said.

" Oh. Alright then. At least tell me where are you going?" I asked him.

" We are going somewhere you will like." I said.

" Won't you tell me?" I asked him.

" No." He said.

" Why not?" I asked.

" It's surprise, Babe." He said.

" I hate surprises." I said.

" But you will love this." He said and I glared at him. He just chuckled. I sighed. Suddenly I remembered something.

" That day I met a guy named Rafael." I said.

" Which day?" He asked.

" On the the movie premire." I said.

" Oh, Rafael D'Souza?" He asked.

" I don't remember his surname but he said he is your friend." I said.

" Yeah, Rafe. He is my friend." He said.

" Good then." I said.

" Yeah, but I think you didn't meet Pedro. Two of them my childhood friends. I told you the incident of Leila. Rafe and Pedro were with me that day." He said.

" Oh, but you said his name is Rafe. This what confused me." I said.

" Rafe is short from of Rafael. A pet name." He said. " Like you call Natasha as Nate and she calls you as Natty. This how Rafe from Rafael." He said.

" I got it." I said.

" Better." He said. " Pedro and Rafael are my friends, assistant and manager. They are with me from the start." He said.

" I got it now." I said.

" Yes. Did he told you anything about Sophie?" He asked me

" What's with her now?" I asked. That bi*ch!!!

" Nothing but the girl is hell annoying." I said.

" Yes, he told me when that bi*ch was trying to kiss you. How dare she!!! Next time I won't care about the Paparazzi. I will just..." I stopped.

" You just what?" He asked.

" I will kick her butt, pull her hair and punch on her face." I said fisting my hands. He chuckled.

" Calm down, Babe. Calm down." He said.

" I won't. Next time if I found her near you, Leo, God help me but she will see the hell. No mercy from me. Not a single bit of it." I said.

" Ok, Babe. I will remember that." He said.

" You don't have to remember that. Give me her number. I will call her and tell her everything clearly." She said.

" I don't have her number. I deleted her from my life as soon as I stepped on London." He said.

" Really?" I asked.

" Yes." He said.

" Good for you. Otherwise, I would have kicked you already." I said.

" Calm down." He said.

" Not calming down." I said.

" Babe, not helping." He said.

" When did you find me when you come here? The day we first met in the elevator?" I asked him as that suddenly crossed my mind.

" Yes, but not in elevator. I saw you when you were in road and your car was stopped. You kicked it hard. I thought to ask you for a lift but you ran out of there. This was when I was just about to ask you to come with me." He said and I looked at him with shocking eyes.

" Then you tried to make an impression in the lift." I said smirkingly.

" I thought you already know me cause girls usually goes crazy for me." He said smirking back at me.

" Don't try to make me jealous. I can't kick everyone." I said.

" I am stating that fact, Babe." He said.

" No don't." I said.

" Don't get jealous, Babe. I will always remain yours." He said and I sighed.

" Then stop making me jealous." I said. " Tell me one thing, were you hitting on me?" I asked him and he chuckled.

" I might fall in love with you at the first sight when you kicked the car." He said and chuckled.

" Well, that was a awkward thing to see someone angrily kicking the car. What made you fall in love with me by that?" I asked him and he laughed.

" I told you I love my feisty cat." He said. I glared at him.

" There is nothing like love at first sight." I said.

" It might proved wrong when it came to me. Cause, I fall in love with you as soon as I saw you." He said.

" But you might not realize that, that time." I said.

" No, Babe, I made my mind that I will fall in love with you. I never let me think that I will let you slip." He said to me. I looked at him weirdly.

" Are you insane!!!" I said.

" Yeah, may be." He said chuckling.

" You forced yourself to make me fall in love with me??" I asked him disbelief.

" I appearently would have fallen for you one day. You created unknown feelings in me. That was totally new and that was what I wanted to feel all my life. So, sooner or later I would have definitely fallen for you. I choose sooner. " He said and winked the same time he stopped the car and I found we were near the beach. But it was quite less crowded.

" Well, I you are insane but I liked the surprise." I said and ran out of the car.

" Wait for me." He got down from the car and we both walked towards the beach. It was a bliss feeling to spend time with him alone. I tugged myself with him and put my head on his shoulder. He patted my head smilingly.

" I love you." He said kissing on my head. I just smiled. Soon!! Soon I will tell that back to you. Very very soon. I said to myself. I pulled his collar and heightened myself then pressed my lips on his. I kissed him and he kissed me back immediately.

We spend time together until the sunset and then we were coming back. While getting in the car I saw the same car which was following me this morning. It is awkward. I have to be careful. Very very careful. I got in the car and Leo started to drive it away.

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