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Leonardo's POV

" Is your engagement broken?" Someone of the paparazzi asked as I reached the court but I didn't answer that.

" Why is the engagement broke?" Another question.

" Has she cheated on you?" This question made me turn to the person who asked it.

" Mind your own business." I said and entered the court room. I saw Chris and he was looking at me with a cold glare. I sighed.

" What's wrong with you two?" He asked me.

" I don't know. She broke up with me. She will explain it. I don't have any reason to do it." I said.

" Exactly and she doesn't want to talk about it. How explainable situation!!" He mocked me.

" I really don't know. What will I do? I let all my ego go for her but she didn't understand it. I can't do anything about it." I said.

" Aren't you going to fight for her?" He asked me.

" I can't fight with her. It was her who wanted to break up. If she comes back to me then it's another thing but I am not going to ask her to come back." I said and he looked at me suspiciously. God!!! I looked at him with the corner of my eye.

" Is there anything you are hiding from me?" He asked me holding my arm.

" What will I hide from you, Chris?" I asked him.

" I don't know why I got a feeling that you are lying." He said coldly looking at me. I gulped.

" I am not lying." I said looking at him. He raised one of his eyebrows.

" Really?" He he asked. He was about to caught my lies if at that time the judge didn't enter the court room. We kept silent. He sighed and kept looking at me time to time. I just kept avoiding his gaze.

" You said you have evidence against Pallette?" Chris asked me.

" Yeah, I do. What's with that?" I asked him.

" I don't think so." He said.

" Why is that?" I asked him.

" Cause your lawyer is not showing one. He is just talking with one point. This how you will lose the case." He said and I looked at my lawyer who was really doing nothing. He wasn't showing any of the evidence.

" What the hell with him now!!" I gritted.

" If I am not wrong I found the traitor." He said.

" What are you talking about?" I asked him.

" You no need to think about it. You just need to talk to Natalie and settle down everything. Stupidity should know a limit." He said.

" I am not going to do that. She needs to come back if she wants." I said acting a bit.

" You're stupid." He said.

" What traitor are you talking about?" I asked him totally confused. He sighed.

" I predicted that there is a traitor in your own team." He said.

" Traitor!!" I said.

" Yes, a traitor and I think we got him. It's your lawyer himself. I didn't like him from the start." He said.

" I will talk to him about it." I said.

" No, you won't." He said. I turned to him shocked." You lost your brain after break up. If you talk to him he will eventually talk to Pallette and let him know about your next move. Do one thing just change the lawyer without him knowing. He will only find it out when the next hearing will come." He said and I nodded.

" If he talks with Pallette we can track him by tracking his phone." I said.

" I know this why I told you not to talk with him just to keep acting like before." He said. I nodded. Thanks God we were sitting in the last row. Otherwise people would heard us or get disturbed by our conversation.

" So, what do you tell me to do now?" I asked him.

" Do nothing just act like before." He said. I sighed.

" Do you know any lawyer who is trustworthy?" I asked him.

" You can hire mine." He said.

" I will do that. Just talk to him and tell him everything related the case." I said.

" Ok. No worries. Just let's concentrate on the case right now." He said.

" Hmm." I said and the judge fixed the next hearing the following week. My lawyer aka the traitor came to me.

" Why didn't you just presented the evidence?" I asked him.

" I didn't got a chance, Sir. Mr.Franco got his point as well." He said. Liar.

" You are not lying here. You have all the evidence. Why were you waiting to give him a chance?" I asked him.

" Go easy on him, Leo. We till have next hearing. Chill. He will handle it." Chris said smilingly.

" Alright. I want to win this case anyhow. Nothing less than that." I said.

" We will win the case, sir. You don't need to worry about it." He said.

" Better." I said. He left.

" Let's have a lunch together." Chris said. I nodded.

" I am clearly confused." He said.

" Why so?" I asked.

" About you and Natalie. What are you two doing, huh!?? You fought a lot to get her and now letting her go this easily?!! Didn't match with you, Leo. It didn't match you at all." He said looking at me.

" Well, I have had enough. I did everything for her but she kept ignoring it. I can't continue that anymore. I need some time. I need to fix problems around too. She can't understand that. If she really wants me she will come back. No worries." I said.

" Yeah, I can see that sadness in her too but somehow you both look so fake. I don't know why but I think you two are up to something. You are going to be together again soon." He said. He got the point.

" How are you so sure?" I asked him.

" You ask yourself looking at the mirror. You will get the answer." He said.

" Can we not talk about it?" I asked.

" Are you giving up on her?" He asked me.

" That never gonna happen. I am not. I will definitely come around in a while. Are you satisfied now?" I asked him. I knew he won't let it go before I answer this question of his. And if he keeps interrogate me like that I will have no other option but spill everything out.

" Umm, hmm. If you said yes then I was ready with my fist." He said and I sighed.

" Oh, I am grateful for that." I mocked him. He rolled his eyes.

" I really need a glu to fix your eyes. What if they stuck in a awkward position!?" I asked him and laughed.

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