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Leonardo's POV

" Isn't she coming today?" I asked Christian.

" She is. Don't act like a whiny kid." He said.

" She is not like Natasha. You are lucky here. Don't lecture me." I said to him.

" Really?! Alright tell me why am I lucky because Natasha is calm girl. Let me tell you she is a redhead. There is a volcano hidden inside her. She can any time erupt." He said and I nodded.

" I know." I said.

" Where is the girl for whom Natalie got jealous? Is she invited? What did you tell her name was? Sophia?" He asked me.

" Sophie. Yes, she is invited as well." I said.

" It doesn't matter what her name is." He said.

" Then why asked?" I asked him.

" Making sure that she has invited." He said. 

" Why do you want to see her?" I asked him. He smirked.

" I have some work." He said smirkingly.

" I advise you to stay away from the girl." He said.

" I am not innocent like you to fall into her trap." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" I told you for your own good." I said.

" Thank you for that." He said.

" You are welcome." I said.

" You can go and meet the people. Why are you standing here with me?" He asked me annoyingly. What's with this guy!!!

" I am trying to figure it out what are you trying to do. I am still confused about your plan." I told him.

" Not everything you need to know. You focus on your work. Do it properly. I will handle the others." He said. I sighed.

" Christian Knight, you are just annoying as hell some time. You should know that." I said annoyingly.

" I already do know that. You go see what is going on." He said.

" Ok, inform me when you see her." I said.

" Roger that." He said and I walked back to the associates. I was talking with the associates. I at least can help my Dad by making some progress in relationship with these people. I tried to know them properly.

" Hey, Leo!!!" I heard Sophie but I ignored her. " Hello!!!" She waved her hand in front of me. I ignored her and walked away.

" Hey, stop. I want to talk with you." She followed me. I cursed under my breath. I saw Christian reaching me. I gestured him to stop there and let me handle her.

" Yes, tell me Sophie, what happened?" I asked her.

" That's like my Leo. Why are you ignoring me?" She asked me.

" First of all, I am not at all yours. Secondly it's my life you are no one to choose what I should do." I said to her.

" We can start everything from start. I can give you more than the hidden girl whom you claim as your girlfriend can give you." She said seductively. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

" Of course you can but the matter is if I want to take them. I have her. I don't need you. If I didn't have her still I wouldn't think about you. You were never in my life. So, stay back. And one more thing. She can't give me what you are trying to give me cause she is not a bi*ch like you to open and throw herself to every single guy she passed. So, don't ever try to take her name with your dirty mouth, you don't even deserve that. Stay away from me and my personal life. You have no idea who I am and what can I do to you. I am behaving politely and giving you a chance. Don't make me come into my real self. Trust me it is more than your worst nightmare." I said to her.

" But Leo -" she was saying.

" And one more thing if I ever I mean ever again heard that you said to the media that you are my girlfriend or we share any kind of romantic relationship then mark my every single word you will regret your life and in a blink will get ruined. No one will be able to save you. I will not show any mercy. Just think before you act. Now leave." I said and she stomped her feet then walked away. I calmed myself down. I know if I get into rage I will be the worst here.

" Gone forever?" Christian asked.

" Hope so. If not I am going to ruin her career. That's what she deserves. She already spoiled my hard work with Natalie once. I won't let her ruin my relationship like that." I said breathing heavily.

" Calm down at first." He patted my back.

" Trying." I said.

" There the Axton girls." He pointed them and I saw the twins were wearing the same attire. Head to toe they were looking the same. Christian smiled and was walking towards them. I hold his arm. He looked at me.

" How the hell are you going to find out your girl?" I asked him.

" She will find me out. And I have my own way." He said and I nodded.

He went and found out his girl immediately. I sighed. I was about to walk towards them but some associates came to meet me and I got stuck. I saw her roaming alone and she was not looking for anyone just was greeting people around. I decided to reach her after I was done with the associates.

I was talking with the associates and suddenly a guy bumped into her and she was like shocked seeing him. They were talking friendly. I decided to give her some time with her friend. I talked with them for a while and suddenly I saw her nowhere. She wasn't there where she was a while back. I searched for every possible place my eyes could reach but she wasn't anywhere.

" Excuse me, Gentlemen, I have just remembered about something important I need to do. I am sorry but enjoy the party." I said.

I was searching for her but she wasn't anywhere. Suddenly I found them talking with the guy from earlier in the corner. I immediately wanted to beat the guy up until every bones of his body breaks into two when I found him looking at her lustfully which she was completely unaware of. Don't tell me how I know. I know those eyes of a man only holds lust. I reached near them and I heard him proposing my girl. Blood rushed in my brain. He was asking again and again why she can't be with him.

" Cause, she is mine. Stay back." I said and reached her. I pulled her towards me. " We need to talk." I said.

" I reached her first. Go find out another one." He was about to hold her hand. I hold his wrist and looked at him coldly.

" Try me just try me." I gritted. He gulped.

" Leo he -" she tried to explain but no. I was not going to take her explanation.

" Shut up!!" I told her in a hell cold voice. She shut herself.

" Get lost." I told the guy and he left immediately. I pulled her with me towards the balcony.

" Leo, leave my hand. I am not going anywhere with you." She said and I pushed her to the wall then placed my lips on her. I kissed her with passion. I let all my rage shower in it. She tried to struggle but soon she gave up.

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