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Natalie's POV

" Oh, shot!!! It's already late". I mumbled myself.

I was at college, attending my lectures. It's very tiring day for me. And now look at me the fool I forgot that I have to attend a meeting with new partners with my dad too. I was just disgusted. I quickly left the class without wasting time to waiting for the Professor.

" Natalie, Natalie? " I heard someone calling my name.

I just turned and saw that idiot Kyle and her idiot group. More like her fishes. Lol.

They always irritate people around. Is today they are out of luck, that trying to irritate me!!! I am not going to leave them if they waste my time now.

" Go to the hell." I hissed unlocking my car. I need to get out of here.

" Woah, Woah, Billionaire, stay calm. Want to show you something that will burn you in jealousy." the idiot spoke out.

" Speak it out, if it's just for wasting my time, I swear I will throw you to that trash bin. You know me very well." I said in a very cold tone and she gulped forgot to smirk which she was doing.

" Look at this, I've got an appointment to meet Leonardo Franquez. " she squealed.

Who the hell this guy is!!!

" And will you bother to inform me who the hell this bloody blockhead is!!!" I crossed my arms over my chest and clenched my jaw.

They stared me like I have grown three more heads or I am an alien visiting earth for the first time. Then suddenly they laughed out loud.

" You don't know who he is!!!" She asked and I shook my head as no.

They again laughed and my anger rose at once.

" Hahaha, so funny. " I said sarcastically.

" Well, girls as you all wasted my valuable time, now I am going to pay you back." I took a step towards Kyle. Her face drained out color.

I took out a water bottle and spill the water on her head. Her make-up painted cake like face just was looking like a joker. I couldn't but laugh out loud.

" I will not spare you, Axton. I won't. " she shouted and ran away at once.

I laughed again and started to my car towards office. I will be late for this idiots and their stupid act. I am not going to leave them that easily if they try to mess with me again. Idiots.

In no times, I reached my office and took the lift at once, lift was about to close, suddenly someone interrupt. I gritted my teeth.

I saw two men entered in the lift. One is around my dad's age and another is around Alan's age. I just looked away, maybe our clients.

But I have seen that guy somewhere. Who he can be!!!

" Hello, Leonardo Franquez. " he said. I turned at him this time. Oh!!! This is the jerk!! Interesting. Playboy too. Perfect idol for a girl like Kyle.

" Natalie Axton." I smirked and he was shocked.

Well, well, well. I know that happens. I am use to it.

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