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Leonardo's POV

" Wow, nice shoot, just perfect. " Hugh my director shouted. I smiled.

" Can I get one more kiss, handsome? " my co-star said.

" No, Sophie you can't. It was just for business, nothing real. So, you can't. " I said to her.

At last I am relieved a bit. The shoots are officially ending. This woman is a headache. Don't like her at all, I came to know about her attitude after I've already signed my contract for this movie. I would never have worked with her if I knew about her before. I got a hard time to keep distance from her.

" Why not, Leo?" She asked in a seducing tone. See? That's why I don't like her.

" Personal issues and you also stay away Sophie. I don't.... " my phone rang and interrupt.

Mom is calling me.

" Hey, mom." I said.

" Where are you, Leo? Forgot your mom?" She showed her anger. Well, I deserve it. I didn't call her from two days nor messaged. Actually, I came to set before sunrise and it pack up late night. I was very busy to call her.

" Right now in Mexico and no how can I forget my mom!!!" I said like a teenager.

" Yeah, I know. You don't need your mom now. You have grown up. You are big boy now." There you go mom started her emotional blackmail.

" No, mom. Nothing like that. I was a bit busy." I said.

" When will you stop this all? Your dad needs you to handle his business. You know, he is not able to handle everything by himself now. Besides, you don't have any siblings. How will he able to handle them alone and how long?" She said.

That's not like that I don't help my dad. I help him whenever I am free. But the fact is, my mom doesn't like me acting and these all. I love both of my professions. But once I settle down I will leave it and only concentrate on my family and business with my dad. But for now, I am enjoying my time and working.

" Well, mom don't know. Once I find out someone. I will leave it." I said.

" Very well and when will you find someone out, in your late fifties? " mom said sarcastically.
I laughed.

" Don't laugh, Leo. " she said in a crossed tone.

" Well, mom. Calm down. I don't know when, but can be very soon too." I said.

" I am coming home. Let's book ticket for Brazil. " I said.

" No, book for London. " mom said make me surprised.

" What? Why? Where are you now?" I asked.

" We are in London. Having holiday. " mom said.

" Oh! Nice. I will join you soon. Don't worry. Coming in a few hours just start count and I will be there before you finish your fingers. " I said and mom laughed.

" Ok, Leonardo Frenquez. Your mom is waiting boy. Come soon." Mom said.

" I am coming mom. Love you mom" I said.

" Love you my child. God bless you. " Mom hung up.

" Let's book a ticket for London. " I mumbled.

" Hmm, London? Nice idea. Mind if I join?" I turned and saw Sophie sipping her drinks.

" Yes, very. I don't like strangers with my family." I said and left.

She is nothing but a headache. I sighed

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