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Natalie's POV

I was feeling weird. Why I am feeling like I am scared!!! I am not this kind of person. I am not scared of those stuffs. There is no ghost. I don't believe in these. I take deep breath and turned slowly lighting up the room. As I turned what I found made me laugh out loud. I was laughing clutching my stomach.

" Lola!!!!" I laughed seeing my grandma's pet dog. I laughed how fool I just became. I laughed seeing the dog on the couch.

" Come here, Lola!!! Come on girl." I said and she came to me jumping down from the couch. I laughed. I patted her head.

" Girl, you scared me." I said. She was jumping up and down. I laughed. These horror movies messed with my head. I slowly walked out towards the door. "Come with me, Lola." I said coming out of the room.

" How have you reach my room?" I asked her as she followed me.

" Lola!!!" I heard my grandma.

" She is here." I pointed her.

" Where was she?" Grandma asked.

" Was in my room. Scared me to the hell." I laughed thinking about incident.

" Really girl?" Grandma said.

" Yeah, she did." I said. " How did she reach in my room?" I asked patting her head.

" Oh, may be she went with Heidi. She went to change the bedsheets." Grandma said.

" That's ok." Those horror movies messed with my brain. I sighed.

" Come Lola." Grandma said."Want tea?" She asked.

" Sure." I said and followed her. We went to the kitchen. She walked towards cabinet.

" May I help?" I asked her.

" Gladly." She said to me. I smiled. " How your University going on?" She asked me.

" Going to write my final exam next month." I said.

" That's great. Then? What's your plan then?" She asked me.

" Of course working with Dad." I said checking if the water boiled.

" That's ok. What about you and Leo?" She asked.

" Oh, as I told you, I wanted to get married soon but my Dad your son won't let it happen any soon. So, I will wait till that day. I will not rush anything. Let's take this slow." I said.

" Oh, yes. Ryan is over protective over his children." She said.

" I know. But I love him. Can't help." I said.

" Yeah, he loves you guys a lot and besides Natasha is going to get married in 4 months that's made him so much protective over you now." She said and laughed.

" I know. But the matter is I really trust Christian. He can and will make her happy. Nothing matters until she is happy with it." I said.

" Yeah, feelings are mutual. I just want my grandchildren happy. Everything is acceptable until they are happy. I won't complain." She said and I chuckled.

" Yeah, I think I can be happy with Leo. What do you think?" I asked her.

" That's it if you think so. I will comment after I meet him in person." She said.

" May be he will come tomorrow or the day after tomorrow." I said.

" How does he hides from those crowd and paparazzi?" She asked.

" I don't know. He has his own ways. He can escape from those." I said and she nodded.

" That's impressive." She said. " I am curious now." She said and poured tea on the cups.

" Well, I don't know how he does that. You might ask him in person." I said and winked at her and she laughed.

" I will. Definitely I will." She said.

" Are you the one who made a first move?" She asked.

" He did." I said sipping the tea.

" And what all he did?" She asked me.

" I called him a gay with his friends and that's all how we started." I said.

" Why did you do that?" She asked and I told her the whole incident. She laughed out loud.

" Jealousy issue kicked in?" She asked.

" Yes, kinda badly." I said.

" How about him? Is he a good boyfriend?" She asked.

" Yeah, I think he is but he has a worst anger and jealousy issue." I said honestly.

" More than you?" She asked me smirkingly.

" Yes, more than me. But he is good at controlling them." I said.

" You should learn from him." She said.

" Nah, I am fine with myself." I said surrendering myself.

" Alright, then. Eagerly waiting for meeting the guy who can tame my flame."she said and I rolled my eyes.

" It was I who tamed him." I said.

" You never know." She said winking at me.

" What are you doing here late night?" I heard my mom.

" Tea?" Grandma asked her.

" I think I will just have water." Mom said and grandma smiled.

" Late night tea party Grandma and Granddaughter?" Mom asked us smilingly.

" Well, you can't complain, Ley. We have met after long time." Grandma said.

" I am not complaining and besides you have meet 2 months back." Mom said taking out a water bottle from the refrigerator and drinking water.

" Great then. I was talking with her about her boyfriend. What do you think about him?" Grandma asked mom.

" I actually knew him before cause Natasha loves watching movies. Some time I accompanied her. That's how I knew it. But never knew that his father is Ryan's friend. I actually never thought the same surnames thing it never crossed my mind. I only came to know when I meet his mom a few months back." Mom said.

" Oh, how is she? I never got a chance to talk with her in person." I said.

" You will get more than enough time to talk to her." Grandma said.

" Are you two up for talking about your future this time?" Mom asked me.

" Lola scared her today." Grandma said.

" How?" Mom asked.

" It was effect of that horror movies they were watching. It ate half of my brain and messed with the other half." I said and sighed.

"Natalie Axton got scared!!!" Mom asked.

" I didn't get scared, Mom. Just for one moment I messed that's it." I said.

" I have doubt now." Grandma said.

" About what?" Mom asked.

" Is Natalie changing?" Grandma asked smilingly making me feel puzzled with her words. I kept looking at her.

TJL#13# Fire Girlजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें