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Natalie's POV

I slowly opened my eyes when I felt someone was caressing my hand. I opened my eyes and then closed. Light was too much to take. I kept my eyes shut for a while. I opened my eyes finally and found Leo sitting in front of me holding my hand. I tried to figure out why he was sitting there. I felt so weak and there was something stuck on my left hand. I turned and saw the IV tube. I glared at it then the person who was sitting in front of me and the reason behind my state right now. He was smiling softly at me which tried to reach my heart but I locked it and threw the key out.

" You woke up?" He caressed my cheek. I wanted to push his hand away but I wasn't able to. Firstly I was very weak, secondly my heart refused to do so.

" Why bother to ask when you can already see it?" I asked glaring at him. He smiled and bend over me then kissed on my forehead. I supposed to get angry but strangely I felt a weird kind of peace ran through my body. I felt weird. I don't know why.

" That's my girl. I like mine feisty cat." He said.

" Excuse me? I am not a feisty cat and I am not your girl." I said firmly and sounded confused when I said the last part.

" Just was assuring that my savage girl is still there. I like her like she is strong, savage and fighter not weak like this." He said and I stayed silent. " Now tell me why did you faint?" He asked me.

" It was you. You were behind it moron. You and your bi*ch didn't let me think straight last night and I couldn't sleep, couldn't eat properly. You messed with my brain with that annoying sl*t." I said and he looked at me disbelief.

" You couldn't eat for Sophie?" He asked me.

" Yeah, Sophie or whatever her name is." I said.

" So, you really thought there is something between us?!!" He looked at me with widen eyes.

" Isn't she your girlfriend? I searched for it yesterday night and it was mentioned in many articles that you are dating her." I said like a stupid. I shouldn't say that, I shouldn't say that. I wanted to slap myself now. I know he is going to laugh at me now.

" You really believed them?" He asked looking deeply in my eyes.

" I don't know. I was confused. This why I was too much bothered." I said. He sighed.

" You should've asked me for once." He sounded hurt not the usually cheery and jolly Leo. Did I really hurt him!!!

" Ask you what?" I asked.

" The truth." He said softly.

" I...umm... I don't know what to say." I said honestly.

" Did it make you insecure? Did it made you feel like I am using you? Did it hurt you?" He asked clutching my hand. I was silent. I don't know.

" Answer me, Natalie." He hold my hand tightly.

" I.. I don't know." I said. He sighed deeply.

" If you are insecure about it then I am assuring you that I am not at all dating her. I know how she is. She is just my co-star. There is nothing between us. Nothing. I don't even like her. I like you. A lot. May be I love you. I want to be with you. I don't know who she is. She is just like the other co-star. Nothing special about her but it's you who are special. So so special to me." He said looking in my eyes. He tried his best to make me trust him.

" Then why it was all over the internet that you are dating her?" I asked.

" You don't need to trust everything that internet says. They paired me with many others before with whom I never had known personally. So, you shouldn't believe them and get jealous." He said.

" I am not jealous." I tried to sound firm. He sighed.

" I am serious with you, Natalie. I let my ego down for you. Can you please not make it harder for me?" He asked.

" She herself said that she is your girlfriend and you're her boyfriend." I said.

" I don't care what she said. I only care about you and what you said. The only person can claim me as her boyfriend is you no one else it is only you. You have all right to claim me as yours. No Sophie no one else." He said seriously.

" Then why did she say that?" I asked.

" It's your problem if anyone else claim your boyfriend as hers. You should deal with her. Why are you asking me that?" He asked me.

" What will I do?" I asked.

" You can fight for everyone for everything, can't you fight for me?" He asked in a low tone.

" What do you want me to do? Kick her face, pull her hair, burn her body?" I asked.

" I really don't know what you will do but it's totally your problem I will not advise you anything. You have to find out what you want to do." He said but his voice was like he was in pain. Did it really hurt him!!! It didn't or did it!!!

" What will I do?" I asked.

" You have to come out of your jealousy and trust me." He said. " And the way you get jealous without yourself knowing is dangerous. Dangerous for you and your health. Look what you did to yourself!!! Do you have any idea how scared I was!!!?" He asked.

" I am not jealous." I said and he glared at me.

" Stop. Don't say that you are not jealous cause you are damn jealous until it caused harmful to your health." He said. I stayed silent. I don't know what to say. I was really speechless listening to him.

" Sophie is nothing. But you are everything to me. Trust me when I say I like you and want to be with you I was loyal to you." He said. I was still silent. He sighed.

" You needed space I gave it to you. Now listening everything and after explaining it made me feel like now I need some space. I need to re-think. I am badly disappointed with your childish behavior. I didn't expect this from you." He said and my eyes widened. " I will not appear in front of your face until you realize your feelings and if you don't feel anything then we might not meant to be together." He said in a really painful tone. That made me realize I have really hurt him.

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