The Party (Part-3)

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Natalie's POV

" Where is the love birds?" Sabrina asked me.

" Don't know. They will be somewhere private. Don't be worried. They just need a bit private time." I said and she nodded.

" So, Glinda, when is your due date?" Sabrina asked.

" Still have time." Glinda said.

" Just be careful." Sabrina said.

" I will Reikon. No worries." Glinda said.

" Yeah, if you feel weird call me or Nate." Sabrina said.

" Yeah, I will." Glinda said.

" Good." I said.

" And you, Brayden, do take care of her properly." Sabrina said.

" I no need to be told." Brayden said in a duh tone and rolled her eyes.

" Will you walk again on the runway after delivery?" Bella asked Glinda.

" No, I think. I will do it occasionally." Glinda said.

" Ending your career this early?" Tasha asked.

" Yes. My family is more important to me. You know when I was kid I was always alone. I never experienced what love is. My mom died then my dad sent me to my aunty. My dad got married and had his own family totally forget about me. When in the holidays I used to come home he would never be there. He and his new family used to go on holiday out of country. I was alone. I was always neglected. I used to stay 1 or 2 days then go back to Toronto. I used to meet my dad once in 2 or 3 years. I decided not to come home ever. Cause, Mrs. Wycliffe was never happy with me. She used to insult me in front of everyone. I don't know why she never liked me. I used to spend my Christmas in Toronto as well. My aunty was busy as well with her career. But I don't blame her, in fact I am happy that she was the only one beside Beth who loved me. I always craved for the love of my parents. I cried many years for it. I used to get sad when I used to see the others with their parents. In my sports day, parents meeting, father's day, mother's day even in my birthday I used to be alone. I used to celebrate everything alone. Only in Christmas my aunty and I used to celebrate it together. My aunty has done many things for me. She has always supported me. When I came back here I used to live in my grandma's house. I never lived in the Wycliffe house for long. But one day in Andie's birthday Mrs. Wycliffe insulted me so much. Even my mother too. She said I am ugly like my mother. But as much as I remember my mom was a beautiful lady. I wanted to show her she has done a very wrong thing messing with me. This why I joined modeling agency and later in VS. I have taken my revenge on her already. I no need to continue. I now want to give my full attention and love to my family. Cause, I don't want my children suffer like me. I want to love them so much so that they never feel like me. You know it's the most painful thing for a kid to feel like left alone without having any parents love. I don't want anyone to suffer like me." She said and wiped her tears. Brayden hugged her from back and kissed the top of her head.

" I can feel you, Glinda. I suffered the same thing until I was compelled to runaway." Bella said. I sighed. Glinda nodded.

" Glirls, no tears it's a happy moment, ok?" Ellie said and hugged them both. They smiled.

" Alright, RD, tell something about your new collection, you are being so secretive." Stella said.

" My answer is no and no." RD said.

" Tell us already." Tasha said.

" Or what?!" RD asked smirkingly.

" Tell us. We are owner of GS, you have to share with us." Bella said.

" So?" RD asked carelessly.

" Can you please?" Stella said. RD smiled sweetly.

" No. It's surprise and only will be come to light on Nate's wedding. She will be the first one to wear it." RD said.

" Very well." Bella gritted.

" Oh, boss is angry now!!! I am going to be fired!!! Oh, I am so scared!!!" RD mocked Bella. Bella rolled her eyes.

" Some time you are annoying, RD." Cindy said.

" I am always annoying, babes." RD said winking at her sipping her drinks.

" So, it's a surprise?" Nemo asked.

" Yeah." RD said.

" We have to wait 6 months." Tracy said.

" Well, I will try my best to keep my curiosity in control." Ann said and all laughed.

" Curiosity kills the cat." RD said and laughed.

" What do you think about walking on the next year GS grand event in Toronto after your delivery?" Stella asked.

" Oh, that will be fun, but if only I get back my shape in that short period of time." Glinda said.

" Just say yes. We will see the rest." RD said.

" Ok, then. I am in." Glinda said.

" Great then. You are going to be show stopper along with Stella." Cindy said. Ann nodded.

" That will be fun actually." Bella said.

" Yeah, I know." Tasha said.

" Guys!!!" I heard my twin squealing. I looked up at her. " Look, who is here!??!" She squealed again. I looked the direction she was pointing. I saw Leonardo Franquez standing beside her.

Oh!! He came!!! I thought he doesn't have any time to attend parties or he avoids them. It's good that he came.

" Oh, Leonardo Franquez!!!" Tracy was the first one to react.

" They are my cousins. This place is safe for you." Natasha said and she went to Glinda told her something. Then went to Bella started to talk with her. I saw girls took pictures with Leonardo. I sighed.

" Do you want a pic too? I am free though." I heard his voice on my ear and next moment his arms settled on both sides of mine helping himself leaning on my ear.

" Umm, no I am fine." I said having my drinks. He sat beside me and smiled. I smiled back. He is something.

" So, how is everything going, Ms. Axton?" He asked.

" It's Natalie." I said. " Going great. I thought you won't come." I said honestly.

" Why so?" He asked taking a drinks.

" Cause, I thought you avoid parties and crowd." I said.

" Alright, I might avoid the parties but I won't avoid it when a beautiful girl invited me. What do you think, should I?" He asked smirkingly.

" Nice try, Mr. Franquez." I said smirking back.

" Well, I don't think so. It was stupid I think." He said caressing the back of his head. " It was stupid." He mumbled but I heard it. I laughed and he looked at me for a second then joined me. 

" That's alright." I said. How awkward seeing someone acting weird when he actually is so confident!!!

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