A Message

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Leonardo's POV

" Are you upset?" I asked her as she was silent all the way coming back home.

" No, I am fine." She said.

" Then why are you too silent?" I asked her.

" I am just tired. I want to go home." She said and I nodded. I knew something was bothering her.

" Is there anything that you want to share with me?" I asked her. She was silent.

" Ok, take rest. I will drive towards home." I said. I kept driving.

" I am trying hard." She said suddenly and I turned to her.

" Trying what, Babe?" I asked.

" I am trying to make our relationship work. I want us to be together. But I don't know why I am confused. I am trying to put all my trust on you. I let my ego go today. But I realized it makes me feel horrible." She said. I looked at her shocked.

" Are you again feeling insecure?" I asked her. She was silent then looked out of the window. I stopped the car on the side.

" Natalie, look at me." I said to her.

" I don't want to talk about it now. Let's go home first. I am really very tired." She said.

" Look at me." I said to her again.

" I don't want to argue right now, Leo. Please start the car." She said still looking at the road.

" Not before we are done talking." I said.

" Don't want to talk about anything right now." She said. Alright, that's it. I opened her seatbelt and pulled her close to me until she was sitting on my lap.

" What are you doing, Leo? Let's go home." She said without looking at me.

" Babe, I said look at me. Will you please?" I asked her and she sighed. She looked at me and her eyes showing she was confused.

No, no, no. I tried hard on her. I can't let her go back when we went this far. I can't let her go now when I can't leave without her in my life. She can't go back now. She is stuck with me anyways. There is no way we can be apart now. I won't let her go. It's my problem, right? I will solve it. I will. I don't need anything in my life like I need her. I will make things right. I will not let her down. Never ever.

" Are you feeling insecure again?" I asked her and she sighed. " Tell me, Babe?" I asked her.

" Can we not talk about it?" She asked.

" No, I want to talk about it now." I said.

" I will be fine." She said.

" I want to talk, Babe. Talk about it." I said.

" It will be better if we don't." She said.

" You never know. Answer me, Babe. Are you feeling insecure again?" I asked her.

" I don't know. I am confused." She said.

" Alright, Babe. But you need to know that I am never going to let you down. Those people can't do anything, right? You yourself told that those comments can't hurt you." I said.

" I am not hurt about those comments. Fu*k those comments. I don't care. But, Leo, I need at least some time from you which will be only for me. I don't want anything else distract us. You need to do something about it. This why I am confused." She said.

" Why are you confused, Babe?" I asked her.

" I am confused cause, I want to spend time with you without any restrictions and at the same time I don't want anything harm your career. I don't want you to leave your career for me." She said. I smiled. I kissed on her forehead.

" Trust me, Babe. Ok?" I told her.

" I do." She said. " Never break my trust." She said hugging me.

" I promise I won't in my life ever." I said and she smiled.

" Let's go home." She said and I nodded. We came back home and she went to her room and I found Chris there in the hall.

" What's with that face?" He asked me. I explained him everything and sighed.

" Things didn't turned into a good thing." He said.

" Yeah, I know." I said.

" You need to clarify your fans how serious you are with Natalie and one more thing you need give her reasons to trust on you not hopes." He said and I nodded.

" I will go to my room. I need to think about something." I said and he nodded. I came to my room and lay down on the bed. I was really tired. I thought for a second and I suddenly got an idea. I need to talk to someone. She can understand my situation clearly. I went downstairs and found Ellie talking with Naomi.

" Hey, Leo. Come sit here. Wanna have a coffee?" Naomi asked.

" Thanks, Naomi. But I think I will just have some water." I said and drank water.

" I need to talk to you about something." I said to Ellie.

" Sure, what's that?" She asked and I told her everything that happened today. She listened everything without interrupting. " Leo, fans are crazy. You should have taken securities with you to stop them at least when you two were having time together." She said.

" I know. I wasn't in the plan at the first place." I said.

" Just made a message to the fans saying how important she is for you and they can't disrespect her and you are going to take a strict step if they do that." She said.

" Message?" I thought for a second and smiled. " Thank you, Ellie. You are genius." I said winking at her and she laughed.

" Anything for you, kids. After all I am the big sis." She said pulling her invisible collar. We laughed.

" I think you should do one more thing and it's a great chance to do it in front of the world. You can make it special, Leo." Naomi said.

" Doing what?" I asked and she explained the plan. I smiled.

" I am in." I said.

" Need help?" She asked.

" Come with me tomorrow morning, ok?" I asked her.

" Sure thing. I will accompany you." She said.

" Thank you. I gotta go and make things right before dinner." I said and they nodded.

" All the best." They said.

" Thank you." I said and came back to my room to prepare myself for everything. I need to do it. A message.

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