Her Weakness

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Leonardo's POV

" I am fine, Mom. Absolutely fine." I said to my mom who was crying badly. I hugged her my right arm wounding around her as I wasn't able to move the left one it was injured.

" God!!! Why do you need to deal with troubles always?" She cried hugging me tightly. I patted her back. Chris was standing on the other end of the room leaning on the wall and crossing his arms over his chest. He was looking at me with an unreadable expression. I sighed. I knew this look. He was hell irritated with me. Shit!!! I should have listened to him this morning.

" Where is Grandma?" I asked Mom wiping her tears.

" Sleeping currently. I didn't let her watch news or anything I told she needs to sleep for a while. Apparently she doesn't know. I don't know what she will do when she knows it." Mom said.

" I will handle her no worries." I said.

" You are not leaving bed until you are recovered." She said glaring at me." If you try to then I will chain you up with the bed and then you will understand. Mom's power." Mom said and I looked at her weirdly.

" But Mom, I have works to do." I said.

" Am I clear?" She said looking at me coldly.

" Mom but.." I was saying but she cut me in between.

" No use of arguing with me. You know that better." She said.

" Mom, can you bring me some food I am hungry and thirsty as well. I lost a lot of blood." I acted a bit.

" Act in front of the camera and the world but not in front of me, your mom. Don't forget I gave birth to you." She said more coldly. " Tell me what I said before." She said and I sighed.

" I like my Mom best when she talks like honey." I said like a little kid. This trick never fails on her. She sighed and hugged me. I hugged her back.

" You don't even know how scared I was, my boy." She said sobbing.

That's it. Pallette you have to suffer the worst hell for making my family worried and specially for making my Mom cry.

" Don't cry, Mom. I am still fine but seeing you cry is making my heart break and it will kill me eventually." I said and she chuckled.

" You are still in that funny mood, Leo!! Can you ever be a bit serious?" She asked.

" May be no." I said and she laughed.

" Mom, I am really hungry. No kidding. Can you please bring me something to eat? I only had a coffee in the morning. After that I didn't have anything but water. I need some food to keep me functioning properly." I said and she chuckled.

" I will go and get something for you." Mom said. " Chris, dear, can you look after him till I come back?" Mom said and I rolled my eyes.

" Mom, I am not 5 years old kid. Besides, I am 4 months older than him. You just didn't tell a little boy to look after me." I joked.

" You can't. You're a whiny kid." Mom said and I rolled my eyes.

" I will be here until you come back, Mrs. Franquez. You can go I will not leave the room until you come back." Chris said.

" Thanks, dear." She said and he nodded with a smile. Mom went out and Chris gave me a hard glare.

" What?!!" I asked.

" What did I tell you this morning?" He asked. I knew he will ask me this.

" I don't remember." I said.

" Stop pretending. If only you were not injured and was in bed, this would have fallen several times on your stupid jerk face." He gritted pointing his fist and I laughed. He glared at me.

" Are you stupid for going there without any securities? If only I didn't reach you on time can you imagine what could be happened!!!" He was angry.

" Nothing would have happened. My securities were around and they were alert. It's just accidentally happened." I tried to explain but it eventually did not work in front of Chris. He looked at me coldly.

" There was none of your securities. Stop making accuses. You bloody fool, A freaking stupid." He said and I stayed silent. I knew if I say something he will be more angry. It's better to listen to him whatever he said.

" I agree." I said.

" Agree with what?" He asked me.

" Whatever you just have said." I told him.

" You have to. Otherwise - " couldn't finish his threatening weather he would beat me up or kick me hard on my face or just anything else cause the door behind him was opened and Axton siblings entered the room at once. All of them were wearing almost same expression. Worried, Scared, Tired. Above all now I can see the relive.

" How are you, Leo?" I heard Natasha with her soft voice as usual but it was broken with tension.

" How did this happen?" Noel looked at me then asked Chris then again looked at me. Natasha checked the bandage.

" I will explain you later." Chris said. " Babe, please come with me?" He pulled Natasha with him out of my room and Noel followed them. I was all left alone with my girl.

" Come here." I said and felt her trembled a bit like coming out of the chain of thought. She sat beside me checking my temperature.

" How did this happen?" She asked and I looked at her eyes.

" Did you cry?" I asked her shockingly.

" No, I didn't." She said said looking at the ground. I couldn't figure it out why her eyes were puffy and red.

" How did this happen?" She asked me and I told her everything.

" So, you went there without any securities. Are you mad!!" She was fuming in agry.

" I don't know I wanted Pallette to come out and attack me." I said and she glared at me. I sighed.

" Am I your weakness?" I asked her. She just sighed. She didn't answered but wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly. I immediately hugged her back.

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