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Leonardo's POV

" Where is the event going to take place?" I asked Bella.

" It is 2 km from here." She said. "Why are you asking by the way?" She asked.

" Are you sure you want me to come? There will be a big mess you know?" I asked her.

" Don't worry. We got it." Stella said.

" Paparazzi? Huh?" Ellie asked me.

" Yeah. That's what I was trying to say." I said.

" Don't worry. Ellie and Stella is attending as well." Tasha said. " Beside, Victoria Payton will attend."

" Victoria Stanfield." Stella said.

" Yeah, Stanfield." Tasha said.

" Honey!!" I saw Flynn with his daughter Scarlett.

" What happened to you two dad and daughter now?" Stella narrowed her eyes at him.

" Calm down, Naomi is calling you. Nothing happened to us." He said and left. She followed him.

" Stella is still Stella." Alan said.

" True. She hasn't change a bit." Tasha said.

" Mark my words Scarlett is the carbon copy of her mother." Edwin said.

" Stella was like her when she was kid." Steffan said. " I thought my daughter will be like her mom but she is completely feisty like my mom." He said.

" What do you mean, Mr. Anderson? I am not feisty?" Ellie asked him.

" No, you are not. You have a feisty side but you are not one." He said. Currently we were sitting in the living room. Others were in the kitchen making dinner. I didn't know Natalie can cook until now when they made her the chief chef. When I asked her she was like I can won Master Chef. I was wondering how many shades is hidden under her anger which were beautiful and blissful. I don't know. I may be find them out soon. One by one. I really want to do that. May be soon. I will know all of them.

" Perfect example of feisty is Natalie." I said and sighed.

" That can be Nemo but Natalie is completely a fire girl. Always fire blazing in her eyes." Edwin said.

" Yeah. She is always in a fighting attitude. A few days back she almost beat up me and Chris." I said and sighed.

" Why so? What have you asked her to do?" Alan asked.

" I did nothing." I sighed and told them the story of George Hadwin. All laughed at the end part and I sighed.

" That was perfect. She should have beaten up you two." Alan said and I couldn't believe he said that.

" You just didn't say that!!!" I said to him.

" Yes, I did." He said.

" Kiddo!!" Ellie warned him.

" Kiddo!!! He is a grown up guy." I said glaring at him.

" He is grown up for you but not for me. I still remember the little Alan who was a rabbit. He used to run around the house and make messes. He used to hold the hem of my shirt and follow me everywhere I used to go. He was jealous too. Some time he used to get jealous with Nemo. As I used to play with her and love her too. He used to sit a far not playing with us." She chuckled. "So, he is my kiddo." She said.

" Kiddo has his own princess now, huh? Where is she?" Steffan asked.

" Kids are playing with Natasha." Ellie said.

" Alright, I saw Christian, Finn, Tracy and Liam there as well." Tasha said.

" There is a thing now. Chris will always follow Nate. As for Tracy and Liam, they need each other for fighting." Ellie said and everyone laughed. " Their fighting issue is getting bigger and bigger day by day." She said and sighed.

" They will eventually stop soon. They are good friends. When they are in not fighting mood you can see they have same choice in many things. Besides, now if they stop fighting with each other and sit there silently you will start to miss the fighting kids. So, let them enjoy their time. Who knows they might not be the same when they grown up if we interfere in their matter. And if you think like that they are not that hyper. Just some times they start to throw things at each other. That's all." Steffan said. Throw things at each other!!! Like seriously!!!

" Liam is still ok. He can control his anger but look at Tracy she literally throws anything she find near her. Last time she threw a vase on him. If not he moved away in time!!!" Ellie said. Vase!!! I think Chris was right we should keep these two kids away from each other. Otherwise God knows what they will do now.

" Relax, Ellie. She is growing up. She will eventually get it." Tasha said.

" I hope so. I just am worried about these two. I don't know if they are ever going to get things right." She said.

" Talking about Tracy not to forget my own daughter Ana. She is just growing up a hyper girl. She pranks with everyone. Like everyone at home. Most of the time with the maids. The loves to prank even she bullies her friends. She got a mixed attitude of aunt Ana and your mom, Steffan ." Ellie said.

" I mean she is cute too. If you see how cutely she smiles. Exactly like you." Steffan tried to convince his wife. She glared at him.

" Hell with you. Stop making her feel supreme. Her pranks are alright but she bullies others that might get a negative turn." Ellie said.

" She is still a kid, honey." He said.

" That's the time when you should stop her." She said.

" I will talk to her." He said.

" I know what will you tell her. Leave it. I will talk to your mom about it. He at least can understand better than you." She said.

" Everyone got the same situation except for me." Bella said.

" What's with you?" I asked her.

" You know my daughter Hailey, she is just a little angel. She is literally calm and a little version of Natasha may be more innocent than her. I am scared about what will happen when she grown up." She said.

" She will learn to fight, Bella. No worries." Alan said.

" I wish the same." She said.

" Guys!!! Dinner is ready." I heard Stella.

" Let's go." Ellie said and we all went to the dining hall. I saw Natalie and she sat beside me.

" I never knew you can cook." I said to her.

" There are many things you don't know about me." She said and winked at me. I smiled.

" Taste it and give me a score." She said and I smilingly taste it and yeah she was right when she said she could become the MasterChef.

" How is it?" She asked me.

" When is the MasterChef next season?" I asked her.

" Huh!!!" She was confused.

" You can definitely win it if you participate." I told her winked at her. She laughed at this.

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