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In the days that followed the wedding, guests slowly started to leave our packlands.

"Thank you again for coming out." I said as I hugged Victor and then Lydia.

She squeezed me tight and didn't want to let go...But I didn't mind one bit as Lydia always gave really really great hugs. "I wish we didn't have to leave..." she sighed as she fondly let go but kept her hands on my shoulders "I'd love to have stayed and been here for your hunt but duty calls," she said as she rolled her eyes, "back to rubbing elbows and schmoozing with Southern high society."

I smiled, I had always hated when my father would throw his soirées, it meant laughing at unfunny jokes and dancing with pervy inheritants, in the sake of building alliances and making our father look good.

"Ugh I know what you mean...I could never stand those annoying trust-fund babies...always so entitled."

Lydia laughed and moved to her mate as my own came and threw his arm over my shoulders casually. "Hey now...I'm one of those trust-fund babies." He jokingly defended.

I made a face like I was busted and once again Lydia laughed, "I said...the uh...the annoying ones."

Victor chuckled, "alright then kids, were out, stop by if you're in the area, if not we'll be back up for a cuddle with them babies once they come." We told them bye once again. "Nico!" Victor sounded before shaking his head. "Just tell him we're waiting in the car."

I hadn't failed to notice that Little brother Nico was a lot less stand-offish...but that could have a lot to do with a certain teenage pack member name Libby.

"Call me?" Nico asked as the two descended the stairs.

I smiled as I watched the young lovebirds agree to keep in contact, of course I had hoped that they were being smart this weekend but who was I to judge them?

Libby took off as Nico actually walked up to me and smiled. "Guess this is it then."

"Until next time?" I sounded unsure of where I stood in his eyes.

He smirked and nodded, "until next time Evie, and good luck with your hunt...sounds savage but I'm sure you'll be a beast at it."

I risked it and pulled him into a hug, surprisingly he didn't pull away and even hugged me back before moving to give a brotherly sort of hug to Titus. We waved him off and soon it was just us once again.

(Three days Later)

I stood outside hugging Titus...of course tonight would choose to be one of the colder nights in a good while.

"Just imagine it's an early summer evening at a lake down south...star littered sky without a cloud in sight...a gentle breeze blowing." He said softly as he rubbed my arms and kissed my temple.

I smiled and he watched as it faltered.

"You'll do fine my Love...it's just the night, let your wolf out, eat something, sleep and in the morning I promise I'm taking you anywhere you want to go for our honeymoon."

"I just worried because the rules state that I have to remain in wolf form...what if I can't stay in my wolf form."

He chuckled before pulling me into a warm hug. "We haven't let your wolf out in weeks I'm more than sure she's ready for some time out and if not, it's not like someone will be babysitting you, so I promise I won't tell if you don't."

I felt a little better but still had a ball of nerves deep in my gut.

My father in law stepped forward and smiled gently at me, he used his commanding voice and my wolf and I paid much more attention.

"Our dearest Luna Graystone...tonight  you will spend your evening in the wild as your wolf navigates you, this will help you navigate through the forest and survive the night."

I shivered just hearing his words and Titus rubbed my arms as he stood behind me.

The Alpha supreme spoke on, "You will boldly brave strong winds, blistering cold snows, and various predators that linger in the darkness...your job for the evening, obtain shelter and food."

I looked back at Titus and his face held still and determined as he looked at me, but I could see a small semblance of a smile peeking through, I faced forward once again, thankfully my husband had placed a kiss on my hair as a tiny yet effective form of reassurance.

"You must hunt and consume your food in wolf form for the ceremonial meanings of our sacred hunt to be valid." He continued. "Come morning Your husband alongside your lady in waiting will come and collect you, you will then be presented to the moon goddess as not only a beloved pack members as the true Mother of this illustrious pack."

"Sounds kinda intense." I chuckled nervousely.

The Alpha Supreme smiled at me and shook his head. "Intense so you say...but a mantle I am more than sure you are all too capable of carrying with grace and dignity befitting our Luna...Now are you ready?"

I took a deep breath and nodded my head.

"Titus my son, please take your wife into the forest just passed the tree line and go from there."

Titus took hold of my hand and walked us into the forest as instructed.

Once we were both within the privacy of the thickly lined forest Titus smiled at me.

"You sure you're ready for this my Luna?"

I sighed but nodded, "As ready as I'll ever be my Alpha...can you visit me through the night?"

He shook his head, "I wish I could Love...but I'll be just on the other side of the tree line, and come the first sign of sunlight I will be right back in here to get you."

"I'm gonna miss you." I confessed, "I hate having to sleep without you ."

"You aren't the only beautiful...I hate knowing I can't be with you for even just one night." He sounded with his own sigh. "But after this I promise that the only time i'm leaving you alone will be if you ask me to otherwise I want you by my side forever."


"I swear it on my entire being that nothing could keep me apart from my mate or my children except death itself."

"I don't want you to talk like that before I have to go in there."

He sighed once again, "Okay then, lets get this over and done with then." He said. Ever the gentlma, Titus helped me out of my thick coat and I felt the icy blast of air blow across of my now exposed arms.

"Go haead and undress and then shift my Love." He said cooly before he smirked, "Unless you might want my assitance?"

I rolled my eyes and shook my head but even I couldn't hide my all too willing smile. "I'll have to pass this time around my Alpha...but maybe you can reward me after having successfully survived a night in our backyard."

"Nonetheless, please take care in your safety...that being said there's a good spot to sleep about 20 yards due east...if you go up toward the side of the house go further in about 30 to 40 feet and you'll see a hill, that's where some of my guys go when we run patrols...it's hollowed out and will camoflaugue you."

"Isn't that cheating?" I asked a little worried.

"Technically, no...you will find it on your own and that's all that's asked of you is to find shelter...theres shelter now go and find it." He smiled.

I stepped forward and kissed him, I could tell he wanted the kiss to grow but I knew I couldn't allow it. So I pulled out of the kiss and pecked his lips once more before I smiled and finally undressed and shifted.

I looked up at him and he smiled. "Remember I'm coming back for you bright and early." He said, I nodded my head and he continued."Now hurry up and kill something and go to sleep so I can have my wife back already."

And Just like that I was off and the hunt offically began.

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