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"Titus." Victor greeted me solemnly as I pulled up to his packhouse.

He pulled me into a fatherly hug and sighed a heavy sigh, "Horrible, horrible news."

I nodded my head, "No doubt Lydia's devastated, I'd like to see her and personally apologize for allowing this to happen."

He hung his head and sighed once again. I knew he was going to say it wasn't my fault, my father and just about everyone else had told me the same shit, but it was my fault.

All month I knew my father in law would be pissed about not being invited to our wedding, I knew it'd leave a bitter taste in his mouth and I was too naive to even think he'd do something about it.

"Titus son...Lydia's not here."

My panic set in once more before Victor held his hands up to calm me.

"She's fine, after you called earlier she hoped on a plane and headed up North."

"W-why...we all know it has to Richard who did this."

He nodded his head, "my Luna has no doubt that it was Richard behind it, but she feels that he didn't do it personally...I'm going to fetch him and anyone associated with him until our Luna's are back because Goddess knows my Luna won't come home until Your Luna is back home safe and sound.

I let out an exasperated sigh, "let's do what we have to do."

And just like that I joined my wife's stepfather as we hunted down her father.


"What is the meaning of this?!" Richard shouted as we ripped him from his bed.

"You know damn well why we're here!" I growled, I could care less that his own mewling Luna had terror written plainly on her face.

"What do you want?!" She screamed as she scrambled out of bed and tried to join Richard, but Victor's men had a hold on him.

"I don't have time for games take them both!" I shouted.

There were looks of hesitation as the men were unsure about obviously taking the woman.

"You think I'm kidding, no one stopped and thought about my pregnant Luna why should I worry about their wives and kids?!"

Alpha Victor gave a nod and his men finally listened to me.

"You hold them...my men and I will take care of my brother in law...and if we can't find him, I know he has a wife and child as well." I sounded calmly as I looked right at Richard. "As of right this minute you are no longer Alpha of this pack, your people are defenseless and are now under my command until I get my Mate back!"

No one in the room said another word as I stomped away in search of the asshole brother in law of mine.



Rich rushed in suddenly, he looked frantic.

"We gotta go...hurry up, get up!" He yelled at me.

"What's going on?" I asked genuinely worried now.

For all that he is my brother was never a guy who scares easily.

"Something's wrong...we gotta go!"

"Rich tell me what the fuck is going on!" I yelled.

He came over and pulled me up from the bed, I was standing and facing him now, terror filled his face.

"I don't know what's going on, my wolf is sad, I have a feeling it's my mate."

I knew what was going on and I got more confident now.

I smiled, "Rich...did you honestly think for one second that you could come into the Northern Stone pack and hold their Luna hostage...Titus has your wife and you should know he didn't get the title of ruthless by chance so something tells me he'll have your son as well...-"

"If he hurts them-"

"You'll do what?" I challenged him, the minute you kill me my pack will find me since we're still in the North...see unlike you Titus will have left his pack protected more than likely with all of our Northern Allies ready to strike, you on the other hand have left your pack completely unprotected while all of our Southern allies are ready to storm your packs...you kill me your family dies and then he'll come for me, you let me go and there may be a chance they will live...you're dead regardless, I hope you know that."

He just stared at me, he didn't know how to react.

It was off to see my brother always so over confident crumble in defeat.

I walked to the door, "come with me and it'll be done quickly, run and it'll be much worse."

I continued knowing that now he wouldn't stop me and if he was smart he'd be right behind me.

Once outside I tried my hardest to shift, I knew that if I shifted I could use my Luna position and tap into all of my pack members minds, Titus included.

I could let them know I was fine, I could let them know where I was...but it was all useless as I still couldn't pull forward my wolf, the effects of the injection must still be lingering.

I began walking, not really knowing where I was heading, I was going purely on gut instinct and determination to get back home. Without my wolf I couldn't pick up any scents and never shifting too from from the House I wasn't too familiar with the particular area.

But I noticed the trees begin to thin a bit and got excited, thinner trees always meant you'd getting closer to a tree line, if I could just make it out of the forest I could easily see what part of town I was near and go from there.

The Moon Goddess was definitely on my side today as the trees thinned more and more a road came into view, I allowed myself a small smile of relief as I realized that I knew this road, it was just outside of town, it was actually right near the same area I had first shifted when I got here.

I began my way up the road, Rich silently following, I saw a small car coming toward us and began waving my arms like a mad woman.

The car came to a screeching halt and a young man quickly scrambled to get out of the car.

"L-Luna Graystone." He sounded bewildered, a small nod of respect as well.

"Please...I need to get home, I know you're going in the opposite direction but could you-"

"Of course my Luna, please" he cut me off anxiously. "Please forgive my vehicle, it's nothing like what you might be use to."

I brushed his words away, "right now it's the most luxurious thing in the world."

He smiled shyly as he held his arm out to me and ushered me to the passenger seat.

"This is my brother Rich, he'll have to come along as well." I informed him when I noticed the young mans reservations to Rich.

"As you wish Luna Graystone."

Before too long we were off.

I smiled as I looked out my window and knew I was going home.

His Crazy Little LunaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora