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We all sat down to a meal prepared by Lydia herself and we ate and talked amongst one another so easily...well everyone except Nico that is.

I noticed Titus looked at him, as did Ash.

"So Nico..." I sounded trying to kill his obvious awkward silence by making it even more awkward. "Tell me what Lydia was like as a Mom."

"I don't know." He sighed, "She was like, I don't know, she was just a mom ya know...super over protective, always wanted to document and celebrate everything...tried to read bedtime stories to Mags and I even when we were teenagers...I don't know she can be kinda embarrassing with all the I love you stuff and constant hugs and kisses."

I dabbed at my eyes...damn pregnancy hormones.

Titus reached out and held my hand.

It was Victor who spoke now. "Nicholas my son, Your mother may have seemed like she was going overboard but it's because she couldn't do those things with Ashton and Everest so she was trying to make up for it when it came to Magnolia and yourself."

He hung his head in shame and I felt bad. "I'm sorry you didn't have mom around." He said, "I'm sure you had an embarrassing dad right?"

I felt a little worse but shook my head? "not really."

"Our Father was hardly around." Ash filled him in a little harshly, "Every party you complained about, all those goodnight hugs, or good morning kisses, bedtime stories, Evie and I didn't get that..."

"Ash." I tried to quiet him, I didn't want him to upset Lydia.

But he only ignored me as he tried to drive home his point with Nico. "We each had one party growing up and that was when we reached out shifting age, and really it was to celebrate the fact that we were now of age to be used as an alliance tool for our father...so you should appreciate your mother and father a little more and remember some of us aren't so lucky to have parents who worried about us or loved us to a fault."

"Ash!" I sounded.

"He's right." Nico said to me, "I'm sorry I didn't take your feelings into consideration...and I'm sorry for being an ass to you since your arrival."

"Language." Lydia scolded.

He blushed but ignored her.

"Hey it's cool." I said.

"No it isn't Evie." Ash nearly growled, I couldn't tell if he was still upset with Nico or the situation all together

"Yes it is Ash."I shut him down, "Despite how anyone feels or what is said...nothing can change our pasts but we can decide to put it behind us and go forward from here...and I'm choosing to have a future with Lydia and her family...our family..." I said with a smile. "I want my children to know Lydia and her husband as their grandma and step-grandpa and Nico as their Uncle alongside you as Uncle Ashton...and as much as I'd like to dwell on this and think about everything...we're running out of time because my babies will be here in 7 months."

"Your babies?" Ash asked

I nodded my head, "yeah...I'm pregnant, with twins."

But it was Heidi who reacted as she screamed with delight and jumped up to congratulate Titus and I with hugs, Victor followed suite. Even Nico offered us a congratulations...But Ash just sat there.

"Come on Ash...I want our kids to grow up surrounded by people who love them, and that's family...Don't you want that for your baby, you said it yourself...Flora is due any day now, don't you want your son or daughter to know love other than just yours and Flora's?"

He smiled now, "I do want that Evie, and I know you're right." He said with a heavy sigh, "I don't even know how I'm going to explain this all to her."

"I'm sure Flora will understand." I offered.

He shook his head now, "Not Flora...she will listen and go with whatever I decide...no I was talking about my daughter...I don't know how I'm going to explain two grandmas, one grandpa, one step grandpa and Sir."

He rolled his eyes, Sir is what Rich's son Richie calls our father instead of grandpa.

But I only smiled, "I am going to have a niece?!" I sounded excitedly.

He nodded and smiled before he told me all about Flora's doctors appointments. The rest of the evening went much smoother as we had all decided to put our differences and egos aside. As the night drew to a close I was finally happy.

Ashton agreed to stay the evening but had to leave in the morning to return to his wife. With Ash staying in the pack house alongside Titus and I, I knew not much would be happening sexually, and I was fine with it.

After a much needed shower to help ease my tension from tonight's dramatics I finally got into bed with Titus, he immediately drew me into his side and I nuzzled my face into his neck, he took in my scent before placing a gentle kiss onto my dampened hair.

He sighed a content sort of sigh, "I have decided that I am the luckiest and most happy man in the world...many men can challenge me, but none will be victorious."

I smiled and moved to kiss him. "I love you Titus Graystone."

At this he bore his own handsome smile, "And I love you Everest Graystone...now get some rest, we'll be leaving tomorrow so I can have my doctors look you over and we can get our birth plan set up... then maybe we can start telling the pack?"

I adored how involved he was already being, and this was only the pregnancy, I couldn't help but let my smile widen at the thought of him as a Father.

"I do want to let our pack know about the pregnancy, but I don't want to say much just yet to a ton of people."

"At least my guard detail, and the staff of the manor." He offered.

I sighed, "We can let them know, I just want everything to go right with this pregnancy, and as crazy as it sounds...I, well...I just don't want to jinx it, like if I tell too many people it can all go away...plus I don't want my dad to know for as long as I can hold it off...preferably once our children are born might I consider telling him."

Titus smiled, "What you want is what you will have my Wife, as for your father or any discerning fears...I am Titus Graystone...and I'll be damned if I let anything trouble my wife or harm our children."

We kissed once more before Titus turned off the lights and we both called it a night. As we laid in the dark I found that I could only think of Titus with our future children, He would love them unconditionally, He'd try to be tough but end up being a pushover when it came to them...if they were girls they'd be the most spoiled little girls ever, and boys... forget Titus being overjoyed...my Father in law would probably have a statue built in my honor.

I smiled and closed my eyes to let sleep take over me, but just as I began to doze off my cellphone began to ring. Titus responded immediately by turning on a nearby lamp. I grabbed my phone and didn't recognize the number, I was worried as everyone knew where I was so to call me this late at night, something had to be wrong.

"Hello?" I answered.

"I have just had one of the most joyously enlightening call ever..."

My eyes went wide as I heard my father's voice.

"...I just got off the phone with your father in law, he called to congratulate me...well us really as we are to be Grandfathers...imagine my surprise, my own daughter mothering future Graystones...I told you Everest, your children will have everything simply because of who their father and grandfather are."

"You are right Father, my children will have everything, but they will not know you ever for what you have done to mine and Ashton's mother...now you will know what she had to feel, but more importantly my children will never be used in your power schemes."

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