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When I walked into the house I only had one thing on my mind at the time...


Everest, My wife, My Mate.

As I saw her beautiful face through the crowded room. I took care as I walked right over to her, afraid that if I moved too quickly she'd be gone to me again.

I felt as the room emptied upon my meeting her. I looked at her. I was trying to see past her facial expression...I looked deep into her eyes, I wanted to see what she was feeling, I needed to know she wasn't just alright physically, but emotionally.

I knew my own emotions would be coming through right now, my genuine fear of losing her, my sadness of failing to be there for not only her but our children.

All I could do was reach out and caress her face lightly, just a small form of reaffirmance that she was really here...then I stepped in closer to her and touched my own forehead to hers.

Now wasn't the time for romance, but rather reassurance. I wanted to say "I'm sorry," "Forgive me," "I should have been there." But none of it came out as I knew If I spoke right now my own voice would betray me.

I closed my eyes and let out a heavy sigh, disappointed with myself all I could do was kiss her forehead. It was small confirmation that I was here for her now, but I was undeserving of her kisses right now...and I knew I'd have to genuinely apologize to her, but later...right now we had bigger shit to deal with. I place one hand on her gorgeous blossoming middle. I couldn't keep the sad smile off my face as I could probably never even begin to express my thanks and gratitude to my wife for keeping our children safe.

I looked at her once again, her own heartbreak was written on her lovely face now. "I missed you." It was all I could muster right now without fully breaking down.


I shook my head, as I tried to reign in my emotions for a little bit longer. If I continued to talk or more...if she began to tell what happened I'd lose it for sure. I shook away my weakness and pulled forward the Alpha I needed to be right now. "We'll talk later Love...right now we have business to attend to."

She nodded her understanding.

It really was time for business now. and part of this business required me to go forward with a strong and unwavering confidence as I cast their punishments.

You see, from the moment I found out my mate was taken I had already decided that I would kill everyone involved, end of story...no questions asked.

And that same sentiment remained unchanged even now, knowing it was her family that had done this...If anything it only pissed me off further, but once again I had my decision made up...and even if she didn't know it, all she had to do was say the word and I'd do whatever she wanted. If she had any aversion to my punishments then I wouldn't go through with any of it.

That is why I had to get her full support as my Luna and Mate beforehand...

"Will you accept my judgments as not only the Alpha of this pack but also your Mate?"

She looked at me as if trying to read me, but nodded her head "yes",

"Wait here." I said as I moved to gather the men.

"Now hold on," She sounded with a slight authority now, Her words had stopped me immediately. "I Agree to whatever you want to do down there and won't challage you in anyway when it comes to a punishment for Rich, won't even question you..."

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