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In the days that passed everything went back to normal. The Alpha supreme would drop in for a few days before taking off and Titus and continued to strengthen our Mates Bond as often as we possibly could.

"Are you alright?" Heidi asked over breakfast one morning.

I had looked over at her and shrugged, "perhaps I'm only missing Titus."

My husband and his pack soldiers had to run a patrol around the pack, but as the pack lands are quiet large it was a couple of days that he's been gone.

"I think the distance is good...healthy." She sounded.

I smiled, I knew she was right, the last thing I ever wanted was to feel tired of having Titus around, or worse...that he would grow bored with me.

Mate or not, no one wants to do the same exact thing every single day for the rest of their lives.

I sighed. "I wonder when he will return?"

She smiled "I'm sure your husband will return soon, and I have no doubt he is missing you just as much."

At this I shook my head, "that's impossible, every since I took his mark, it's like I...can't get enough of him." I admitted boldly.

She laughed lightly.

"Well I wouldn't know for sure as I don't have a Mate, but I'm almost certain that you're suppose to, well, crave them."

I sighed, "there's actually another reason why I want him to come home...I've really been needing to talk to him."

Her eyes went slightly wide, "Oh yeah?" she sounded excited now. "What's up, anything I can help with?"

I shrugged, "I don't know, maybe... I kinda want to talk to him first and see what he thinks and how he feels, even though I'm sure I know him well enough to know he's going to react negatively."

"Negatively..." she asked slightly confused, "Why would he react in a negative manner?"

"What Alpha would want their Luna to Leave?"


"LEAVE?!" He shouted, before he began pacing about our bedroom. "You've got to be fucking kidding me..."

I sat on the edge of the bed patiently, I knew he'd need time to absorb everything and just wrap his head around the idea of it.

"Are you unhappy with me?" He asked but before I could respond he was already on to his next worry. "You are the Luna of this pack, you can't just turn your back on your duties, the pack needs you, and...well...I need you."

I felt bad now, I moved from the bed and made my way over to him. I wrapped my arms around his waist securely and looked up at him before kissing his lips. He obliged me by kissing me in return before he sighed..."I don't know what to do Everest...I want to give you anything you ask for Love, but distance?"

"I'm not leaving you or the pack Titus...and I don't want distance." I smiled softly. "Think of it as a vacation, only instead of relaxing on the beach I'll be getting to know my mother and the entire part of my life I missed out on."

He looked down at me, "This is something you really feel that you must do?"

I nodded.

"Then I'll come with you, it's been years since I've visited their pack."

Hearing this made a pang of jealousy run through me, and I know he immediately sensed it as he reached his hand up and caressed my face, now I felt guilty. He in return apologized and kissed my hair.

I wondered if we would ever be able to live a life without having to apologize for things from our past that affected each other?

"You can't come with me."

I felt as his entire body stiffened, he was mad now. I knew I had to remedy the situation immediately, "Not that I don't want you to come..." his tension eased, "But this is something I have to do my Love, I have to learn about...well about me and the girl I could have been."

"I hate that this shit happened to you." He growled angrily.

I nodded.

"The pack needs you though." He said.

I shook my head, "I am fortunate to be a Luna of one of the largest packs in the entire Northern region...The pack hardly needs me."

"Okay" he smiled. "Well, I need you."

I shook my head, my own wry smile on display for only him. "You really don't...My Alpha, you ran this pack by yourself before I got here...I'll be gone two weeks tops and while I will miss you beyond anything you can imagine...I will check in with you so much you'll probably start ignoring my calls and texts."

"There's really no use in trying to fight you on this, is there?"

I shook my head, "I'm sorry...this is something I have to do."

He sighed heavily before he tightened the hug. "If you go, you aren't going alone."

"Titus, as much as I'd love for you to come, we both know that a pack does need their Alpha."

Once more he shook his head, "I understand that My Luna...that is why if you want to go you will be escorted by a chaperone."

I was fully prepared to protest when he made a face that gently, yet firmly asked me not to test his authority...it was kind of hot.

He smiled (probably picking up on my arousal) but he continued "your chaperone will be anyone of your choosing, but know that anyone you choose will be ordered to keep a close eye on you and they will be reporting back to me constantly as well."

I kissed him and he continued.

"I mean it Everest...you are not to be left alone at all."

I kissed him once again,

"And Youll take Bogart as well..."


"...And expect my calls every night."

I just wanted him to shut up so I could show him how truly thankful I was, I kissed him once more and this time he let it grow. "Hey, I'm not leaving right now..." I said as I moved and got down onto my knees right in front of him.

"What are you doing?" He asked rhetorically, a handsome smirk playing on his lips

I helped myself as I undid his belt before undoing his button and unzipping his pants.

"Right now?" He asked slightly humored.

I let his pants fall to the floor, I ran my hand over his boxer briefs, his dick already hard for me, "Why, have something more important to tend to?"

"If I did, I don't anymore." He said as I pulled his underwear down and immediately took him into my mouth. "Fuck." he growled. Of course my teasing little surprise didn't last long as soon my Alpha's wolf was wide awake and ready to take control.

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