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As our final week dwindled down I knew my mate was just as axious as I was for this wedding to finally be happening.

"Is it weird that i'm nervous and i'm already united to her?" I asked Evan.

He shook his head, "Nah man...this is different, I mean you two are putting your love on display for everyone to see...it's intimate, vulnerable."


I didn't particulary like the idea of being vulnerable or having a vulnerability for that matter...but a lot can change once a man has his mate.

I nodded my head, "You know she didn't invite more than half her family...there's gonna be a lot of pissed off people."

He shrugged, "It's not for them to like..."

I smirked...he was right.

"So who from her family is coming?" Evan asked.

"Well the Pruitt's are coming with their son...they'll be here tonight." I said. "Her brother Alpha Ashton Kirshaw and his Luna Flora...they just had a baby a couple weeks back that they're bringing too." I smiled at the thought of the baby...I couldn't wait until I had my own babies here.

"If I'm not mistaken I believe Heidi had mentioned a bassinet has been placed in their room to accommodate their daughter." He filled me in.

I nodded. "I know she also invited a sister of hers as well...it's either Brooke or Briar...can't remember which of the two to be honest...But I will let you know for sure before the day is over...I know she wanted to invite her baby brother Vale but as he's still a minor she'd have to invite her dad and theres no way she'd invite him."

Evan nodded and we soon we went out for patrols.


When we got back we had just enough time to get dressed into suits really quick to greet The Pruitts and the Kirkshaws.

My Everest was beyond happy as she greeted her family members.

"Briar should be coming in a couple of days." Everest sounded as she hugged Ash. I shot a quick look to Evan and he nodded, mentally take note of the invite sister.

And as Everest moved to greet her sister in law I greeted my Brother in Law. "Good to see you again, I'm really glad you were able to join us...I know it can't be easy with a new baby and all."

He smirked a tired sort of smirk "...you don't know the half of it."

I looked over at My Everest and watched her cuddle with the new baby as I was introduced to My sister in law.

She was a very sweet and soft spoken sort of woman and I hugged her and kissed her cheeks out of respect.

But all of my attention was on my mate.

"Titus my Alpha would you like to see the baby." Everest smiled beautifully.

I smiled in return, "Of course I do."

She moved and placed the baby into my unsure arms and I looked down at the cute little girl..."I'm offically an uncle." I smiled.

"Technically she's two weeks old...so you've been an uncle for two weeks now." Ash sounded.

I shook my head, "It wasn't official until I got to hold her."



I melted as I watched my Titus hold baby Camilla.

"Okay okay...time for Gan-gan to hold the baby." Our mother sounded happily I smiled and moved to take my Mates hand after he handed the baby to Lydia.

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