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"Everest." I opened my eyes with the slight shake of my arm. "Everest, we're here My Lady."

I stretched and yawned. "I'd like to freshen up before I get off the plane if that's okay."

She nodded and smiled, "It's your father in law's plane...do what you wish."

I got up and went to the restroom. I cleaned up any make up that may have gotten smudged from my long nap on the plane ride over. I brushed my teeth as well before I added a spritz of Detangler to my hair for a little moisture. As I took in a deep breath I turned to exit the restroom and Heidi and I exited the plane, me before her per protocol.

It was times like theses that I really did hate the ranking system.

Per my rank I was suppose to do everything before her...enter and exit vehicles, homes, rooms, be served first, eat first, you'd think we were royals or something. Of course my father in law would love that to be so, and while many families even treat us as such (Seeing the Alpha supreme as some sort of king) we are simply regular Alphas and Lunas.

Bogart had traveled with us as Titus deemed it necessary, and who was I to begrudge him a little more ease of mind.

There was a car already there for us as well as another man who I was sure was the original driver of this vehicle.

"Welcome most honored guests," the man bowed his head, "My name is Bryan and I will be your personal guide for the duration of your stay."

I smiled, "It is very good to meet you Bryan, and thank you for your time...My name is Everest Graystone and this is my cousin and assistant Heidi, and my personal driver Bogart."

Once again he nodded, "well then if you are all ready I know my Alpha and Luna are anxiously awaiting your arrival."

After getting into the car I pulled out my cellphone and turned it back on. I immediately found Titus' number and called him. I didn't have to wait very long for an answer.

"Everest?" He sounded.

"Hello my Alpha," I smiled. "just calling to let you know we've made it safely, and we are just riding off to head over to meet with the Pruitt's now."

"I'm glad to hear it My Luna." He sighed and then continued. "You know as soon as you left your father arrived.

"My father has no reason to come, especially to come so boldly without an invitation."

"I know." He sighed.

"Did you tell him where I was?" I asked a little worried now.

"No," He assured me. "It is no one's business where Luna Graystone chooses to go other than mine...no My Love, enjoy yourself and I will take care of everything here."

I smiled, "I love you."

"And I love you, I will call you later this evening." And with that he hung-up...I knew he didn't like to say goodbye.

As I put my cellphone away I filled in Heidi, knowing fully well she had just heard the entire conversation. "So apparently my father has arrived in my absence, trying to broker an alliance treaty no doubt."

"Are you concerned?"

I shook my head, "Titus knows how I feel as well as my wishes and I have no doubt he will hold strong against my father...now my father, he should be concerned."

She nodded her head.

The rest of the drive was filled with silence as each Heidi and I glanced out our respective windows. I took in the vast amounts of greenery...I hadn't realized how much I had missed the lush wildlife of the south since moving to the snowy north.

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