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The morning of the wedding seemed like such a blur with women clammering around doing hair and make-up, looking for heels, complaining of schedules and I just sat there and watching the whole thing peacefully.

"I'm so glad you aren't stressing." Heidi sighed, she was already dressed but took a seat next to me so a hairdresser could start on her hair.

I shrugged, "Not much I can do if things aren't right by now...plus, at this point...I really just want this to be with Titus."

She smiled. "I can't even imagine how he's feeling right now?"

I smiled and closed eyes, although I wish I could hear his thoughts My wolf perked up at reaching out and finding his wolf...he was having a mixture of excitment and nervousness. I giggled,

"What?" She asked humored.

I looked over at her once again, "I don't think I've ever witnessed Titus nervous...isn't he suppose to be this Titus the Terrible, the most ruthless and cold Alpha there ever was?"

"Funny how the right woman can change a man."

I shook my head, "No...I didn't change him, he was always there."

Her smile softened and she looked on the verge of tears now.

"Stop it...no crying today, that's an order from your Luna."

She rolled her eyes, "Happy tears don't count as crying, more like...joyful misting."

"Fine...'joyful misting' is acceptable." I smiled. We stopped talking as the make-up artist began working on my face.

As all of the work was complete Lydia walked with my bridal garmant bag, the viel hanging delicately off the front.

"It's time." She sang excitedly.

I got up and it seemed like the entire room stilled.

"Lydia...will you help me get into it?"

She smiled and nodded and together we went into the bathroom that was doubling as the dressing room area and closed the doors behind us.

Lydia hung up the bag and carefully before unzipping and beginning to undo the buttons.

I took off my robe and stood in my silk nightgown as she removed the dress from the hanger and finally out of the bag altogether.

"Alright honey," Lydia said as she lowered the dress and smiled, "Go ahead and step in then once it's up you can shimmy out of your night gown and I can do up the buttons in the back."

I nodded and stepped into the dress as she had instructed, while she pulled the bodice up I removed the thin straps from the night gown and held it to my chest so it wouldn't fall down right away.

When the dress was up and on I used my other hand to hold the top of the dress while i let go of the night gown, I felt as the smooth fabric glided down my skin under the dress. I then used both hands to hold up the dress as Lydia worked to button the dress closed in the back.

When she finished with that she helped me get into my heels.

"I'm still not sold on these shoes." I sighed as I looked down at the plain kitten heels.

"Well you know your mate...he only wants you to be safe, plus I highly doubt anyone will be looking under your dress to see what heels you're wearing."

After that she got my veil on and secured  before she gently turned me around to look into the mirror.

I smiled at my reflection, "this should have been what I looked like the night of our union." I said, "well...minus the whole pregnancy thing." I said as I placed my hand on my small bump starting to come through.

She stepped up behind me and put her hands on my shoulders.

"You look beautiful, and I am truly touched that you have allowed me to be a part of this day."

I shrugged as if it was no big deal...in fact, it was a big deal.

In this moment it wasn't Everest and Lydia...No Lunas...just a mother helping her daughter get ready to marry the man she is going to spend the rest of her life with.

"You're my mom, why wouldn't I want you here...now, how about we get this show on the road?" I said to try and lighten the mood.

Together we exited the restroom and once again everyone stopped what they were doing and this time marveled at me.

I felt the heat rise to my face in the form of a blush as everyone stared at me. Then they started with their compliments and hugs.

I noticed that everyone was dressed and the assistants were gone. I stood there in the room with the most important women in my life, My Mom, Heidi, Briar, & Phyllis.

"Well...here we are finally," I said nervously now. "Honestly, you all have been a big help to me...from being a caring sister, to a tough mentor, an easy friend, or a loving mother."

I thanked them once more and then a knock sounded.

"Ladies?" the Alpha Supreme sounded from the otherside of the door.

Briar smiled excitedly "Show time." She said before opening the door.

He walked in and greeted us before he paused to look at me.

He put his hands over his mouth and his eyes immediately teared up.

"Oh, Dearest Everest...you are truly a vision my dear girl."

"Thank you," I sounded.

"We'll go and find our seats." Phyllis sounded as she cheerfully  ushered the ladies out of the room.

"I don't think I've ever gotten the chance to thank you Everest." He said.

"Thank me?"

"Of course, I know it might be hard for you or even Titus to understand, As Alpha Supreme I understand that I have a challanging role to fill but as a father all I've ever wanted was my son's happiness...of course I had hoped you would provide that...and you have surpassed that in every way my dear girl, and his happiness is my own happiness...I have honestly looked forward to this day for what seems like a very long time."

I smiled. "Well I guess I should thank you for picking me."

"I'd hardly say I picked you, but that's neither here nor there...Now, it is both my job and honor to walk you down the aisle to my rather anxious son...if you're ready?" He sounded with a smile as he held his arm out to me.

To be honest the Alpha Supreme had never done anything horrible to me other than unite me with his son, he's always been cordial and as my relationship with Titus grew, he grew warmer to me...standing here now my arm securley in his he patted my hand and smiled once more. I couldn't help but find him a sweet and gentle man...very grandfatherly, and I couldn't wait to see how he will interact with our children when the time comes.

We walked down the stairs and it seemed to take forever, we finaly reached the back doors and once they opened all I could see was Titus.

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