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I laid in bed comfortably.

"As much as I wish I could lay in bed with you all day, I have to get up." He said as he rolled over onto his stomach and began kissing my clavicle and then the base of my throat up my neck, my chin and finally my lips. "Stay...rest."

I smiled, "Is that an order My Alpha?"

He kissed me once more, "Would you like me to make it an order My Luna?"

I shook my head, "I need to meet up with Heidi and see if she has anything in lieu of Luna Duties, if not then I think I'm going to have a run...it's been awhile...plus I need to see how she feels about going with me to the Pruitt's pack." I said as I got out of the bed lazily and pulled my clothes back on. "I wouldn't want to have her put her life on hold just for me."

He nodded as he got dressed too, "I'm sure she'd go no questions asked...not like she has much to do around here without a Luna to attend to."

"You know Heidi does have an actual life other than just being my assistant."

"Does she?" He asked almost humored now.

I took offense for her and huffed, "I'll have you know that while being a very big asset to me personally, she also manages to run her own life, one where she even has a boyfriend."

I instantly felt shitty about that last part, what if Heidi didn't want Titus knowing...I mean she had mentioned that she and Evan were trying to keep things quiet and just enjoy themselves.

'Heidi has a boyfriend?"

"Titus, I shouldn't have told you about that...she told me that in confidence." I sighed.

He shook his head, "Well who's her boyfriend?"

"Titus it isn't any of our business." I sounded in a pleading tone, "please just leave this alone."

"I have every right to know, I am the Alpha of this pack and it is my job to know what is happening within my pack."

I grew agitated with him, mostly because he wouldn't drop this, but partially because he tried to throw out the alpha card. "That's an abuse of power."

"Either you tell me or I will ask her myself and she will know you told me."

I couldn't believe him right now. Yes it was completely my fuck up for even mentioning it, but the fact that he wouldn't let it go was all on him.

"I'll tell you but there will be consequences." I said a little sadly now.

"I think I can handle Heidi being upset with me, now who's she dating?"

I shook my head, "her boyfriend is your Beta, Evan...and it's me being upset that you have to worry about."

"Evan?" he asked with a laugh, completely ignoring the last bit.

"I'll be staying in my own room tonight, and possibly for the duration of my stay."

"Everest, it's not that big of a deal, and I'm happy for them."

"It is a big deal Alpha Graystone, and the fact that you can't see it is what's most disappointing to me." I felt horrible, it was the first time I've ever addressed him as Alpha Graystone since our union, it was so formal.


"I believe you mentioned you had business to attend to...I bowed my head, Alpha Graystone."

I looked up, he was pissed but wouldn't fight with me. I stepped into my heels and walked over to him "I love you but as your Luna you have got to learn to listen to me Titus." I said before placing a kiss upon his cheek and leaving the room.

It didn't take me too long to find Heidi and soon she filled me in on different things from this morning.

"Did you get to have your talk with your husband?" She asked with a smile.

I nodded, "I did, and after a little convincing he has agreed to let me go down to visit with Lydia and her husband  for a couple of weeks."

"That's what you wanted to talk to him about?" She asked almost a little let down.

I nodded, "when they left they had extended the offer that Titus and I come down whenever we wanted, well we can't really both go down for that long so we came to an agreement...I can go so long as I have a chaperone...so, do you think you'd be cool with going with me?"

"Of course." She smiled wide. "Oh I feel like I haven't been there in forever." She said.

"There's something else."

She looked at me, "What's up."

"Maybe it's because I haven't shifted in a while but I got a little agitated earlier when Titus implied that you essentially have nothing better to do than babysit me...so I kinda told him about you having a boyfriend which then lead to him making me tell him who it was."

She just looked at me.

"I'm so sorry Heidi, I know you confided to me about your relationship in confidence and I completely broke your trust...it was never my intention to just blurt it out the way that I did."

"Hey it's okay, I mean sure we hadn't told him but it's not like we were keeping it from him either." She said coolly. "It's really no big deal and I knew when I told you that you'd probably tell Titus as you two are married...so don't beat yourself up over this."

I felt horrible.

I had turned this into a huge deal between Titus and I and Heidi was cool with it?

"What's wrong?" She asked sympathetically.

"I kinda got really upset over Titus's behavior earlier over this and, well...I'm going to be sleeping in the old room tonight."

I could tell she wanted to know more but she wouldn't press the issue.

"Don't worry, Titus and I will work things out." I said to try and assure her, only I felt like I was also trying to assure myself. "Now let's go for a run and you can tell me about The Pruitt's pack."

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