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"Good Morning." I sounded happily as I walked into my old bedroom. It had been kept exactly as it was before I married Titus and I was actually grateful for it.

It felt like so long ago since first coming here, and in reality it had only been around two months

"Good Morning Luna Graystone." Heidi smiled.

"Heidi," I blushed. "You know you're basically my best friend...you don't have to call me that."

"As my Lady commands."

I rolled my eyes, I knew there was no getting out of the whole "Lady Graystone/Mistress Graystone" titles and knew better than to push.

She immediately went to work with my hair applying beautifully scented oils to the slightly dampened ends and spritzing various products throughout the wild tangle of curls before carefully running a wide tooth comb through it. Afterward she used a blow dryer with a diffuser attachment to help dry my hair and keep my curls more defined and less frizzy.

My hair always took the longest, but we were finally done and she dusted on a small amount of make up before I was finally able to remove myself from the chair. As we made our way downstairs she pulled out her itinerary booklet and began listing off various items.

"We will be home bound for this week My Lady, today alone you are to meet with various people as you begin your official duties as the Luna of the Northern Stone Pack."

I was grateful to Titus.

He had in fact marked me a good month ago but had managed to keep me from performing anything official, he wanted me to able to enjoy myself as his wife before taking on the role of Luna.

So while I carried the title I hadn't really done anything.

"Will my husband be joining me?" I asked a little nervously, I didn't know these people.

She gave me a kind smile, "He has freed his calendar to be by your side."

I nodded.

"You will be meeting with a few Alphas and some Betas on possible new alliances, I know one of them is my old Alpha...forgive him if he stares."

"I hadn't known you were from another pack Heidi, did you come with your mate?"

Once again she smiled, but I could see it wasn't her usual happy go lucky smile, this time it was one with a hint of sadness.

"I followed my cousin, she and I were like sisters growing up as her mother and my mother are sisters...then when her mate asked to live with him and I found out she was leaving I was devastated, she asked if I could come with her and despite possibly missing out on my mate...but I couldn't live without her."

I couldn't even begin to imagine loving a family member so much. Yes I had my siblings but there was no true love there more of a respect factor. Out of all of my siblings Ash and I were probably the closest, I also loved Briar and Vale but not to the extent of Heidi and her cousin.

"So do get to spend a lot of time with your cousin?"

She shook her head, "my cousin was Maggie...so you can see why I have grown so close to you."

"Oh Heidi, I'm so sorry." I said feeling worse than before, and then my sadness turned a little upset. "Why didn't anyone tell me, why didn't Titus tell me?" I was hurt now, "I asked him to be completely honest with me, I asked for no more secrets between us and he went ahead, knowing he was keeping this from me."

"Don't be to put off My Lady, I asked no one to speak of my relation after her passing, and thankfully everyone obliged me, even Alpha Graystone."

I couldn't be mad at him, it wasn't his secret to tell I suppose.

"Again I come back to Alpha Pruitt, forgive my uncle if tends to stare, you just have a rather striking resemblance to his step daughter."

"Step-daughter, so...she wasn't an Alpha's daughter?" I wondered. It isn't solid facts but it's commonly known that son's of Alpha's tend to have mates in the form of daughters of Alphas...again, not always but it happens a majority of the time.

She shook her head, "No Maggie was his Luna's daughter, but together they raised her and he loved her like his own daughter, he even adopted her...together they had a son who will take over when his time comes."

"Well, thank you for telling me that, and I know all about Maggie, so if you ever need to speak about her you can always open up to me." I sounded.

While I was still a little uncomfortable about the mentioning of his mate, I needed to learn to live with the fact that there was someone in his life before me, and while he may have loved her I know that he also loves me, even given the short amount of time we have been given.

together we descended the stairs as she talked about a few various items on my "agenda" and we walked into the dining room along side Titus and another gentleman.

"Good morning Ladies." Titus smiled, "My Wife, allow me to introduce you to my Beta, Evan Feldman...Evan my Lovely Wife Everest Graystone." He said as he took my hand and introduced to the tall Viking of a man. "Evan has been carrying out various tasks for me and you will find that he comes and goes quite a bit in my namesake."

"Luna Graystone, an honor, I look forward to getting to work alongside yourself and Alpha Graystone."

I smiled, "The honor is mine Beta Evan."

He nodded his head, a slight smile on his face before he also gave a nod to Heidi, I didn't miss the fact that a slight pink now touched her cheeks as she tried to avoid looking at him further.

I wondered if Evan could be her mate.

Together the four of us had a brunch filled with important matters of business.

"Alphas from all over have been sending in letters with their congratulations for your becoming Luna, Mistress" Heidi spoke.

Evan nodded in agreement he too put in a few words, "We do have to sit with the ones that have made the trek to personally congratulate you and hear them out on their proposals of either renewing or beginning an alliance with their packs.

"Who all has come?" Titus asked as he helped himself to a cup of black coffee, he offered to pour me a cup as well but I scrunched my nose and shook my head. While I normally love coffee, this coffee smelled too bitter. He smiled.

"There really aren't too many Alpha, We have seven in total that is including the Betas."

"These Alpha's want my help and they send their Betas in their stead, should I take it as a slight against my new wife and I?"

"I wouldn't take it as an insult." I sounded finally. "Many Alphas have many things to tend to personally and can't afford to leave their pack unattended."

He nodded before giving me a quick wink. I couldn't help but smile.

I had long been done with eating and when Titus seemed to finish he wiped his mouth and sat back in his seat a tad more comfortably before reaching out to hold my hand, "So, which Alphas and Betas have come then?"

I watched as Evan looked to Heidi and then he was the one who spoke. "Well there is Alpha Viccum of the Pineybrook Pack, Alpha Whitroy of the High Grove Pack, Alpha Pruitt of the former Southern Stone pack now the Adobe pack...-"

"Alpha Pruitt." Titus interrupted.

I had wondered how he was going to react to finding out Maggie's Stepfather was here.

There was silence for a moment but Titus finally stroked the back of my hand "My wife and I will speak with him first...I honestly don't care who came, I'll speak with all of them but I can promise nothing." He said in a no nonsense kind of way.

"Very well Alpha, I do also have to inform you, I've only just been informed myself that Alpha Pruitt has brought his Luna along for the meeting."

Something in Titus' entire demeanor softened, he stood up and nodded before (Still holding my hand) he walked us out of the dining room and up to the second floor of the house and into a office I had never been in.

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