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I had left the men in search of Everest, when the ladies informed me she had resigned for the evening I knew she would have retreated to the bedroom.

As I made my way up the stairs my wolf prevented me from going passed the second story landing as he urged me to move towards Everest's private quarters. Her own wing of the manor gifted to her by my father. As each step I took I could feel her presence becoming more defined. And upon reaching the door, I could not only feel her on the other side, but a sort of amorous elation.

As much as my wolf was enjoying her permeating joy I suddenly felt a little hurt, had she intended to spend the evening away from me? Was sharing a bed with me too much to bear?

I gathered my pride and opened the door, judging by her shocked state at my sudden entrance into her bedroom I probably should have knocked, then she smiled.

Now this was a smile I had gotten to know well, this wasn't the same smile as the one she had pasted on for everyone at dinner, no this was a genuine smile...warm and sweet...and just for me.

I felt like an ass, I hadn't done anything to warrant her lovely kindness, "We need to talk."

I watched as sadness washed over her face and her smile slowly disappeared.

I walked over to the bed and took a seat beside her.

"I know you're right, we do need to talk but can I speak first?" She asked.

I wouldn't begrudge her, her one request so I nodded and held still as I readied myself for whatever she had to say.

"Titus first let me say again that I am sorry for what happened to Maggie," She spoke respectfully. "I didn't know her, though I wish I could have...and I'm sure you two had many great memories together but again I can not speak on those...but what I can speak on is US, and the short time of knowing you, and everything that we've had to go through to get here today."

I knew she had more to say so I held my tongue for the time being.

"Though we met under strained circumstances I am forever grateful that we did meet as you, from the very beginning began to steal my heart... in ways unknown to me before, I fell in love with you almost instantly, even though I had no right as we both came into this pairing with mates, but even from the beginning I pushed Caleb to the side for you." She confessed.

"Every minute spent together pulled us closer and closer and pushed everyone from my past further and further until there was only you...I know you don't believe it, or maybe you don't want it to be true...but you are my mate Titus, I can feel it, my wolf knows it...and as confusing and messy as it is I could feel the mates pull for you since the first time we spoke and I know you did too." She smiled, "I love you Titus."

I sighed, and shook my head as I recalled that first time seeing her. She had honestly scared the shit out of me before I essentially submitted myself to her, I had such a hard time staying away from her, and when I got the chance to touch her I took it.

I sighed, as I tried to contain mine and my wolf's excitement. "You're wrong." I said knowing I'd get a rise out of her.

She jumped up "Excuse me?"

I stood up to match her stance before I kissed her, she didn't respond at first but when she did she pressed her body against mine and melted into the kiss. I pulled away and placed my forehead on hers, "Everest...My Everest I know you are my mate My Lovely Luna, and I love you more than I knew I was capable of loving someone."

She smiled and I placed a kiss on her forehead.

I picked you so long ago when I agreed to the marriage, and if I could go back to the day I first shifted I would pick you over and over again."

She hugged me and I hugged her in return.

"My beautiful mate." I smiled. She smiled up at me, "Can we please go to our bedroom or were you especially keen on spending the night in here?"

"Why?" she asked, "Would you stay with me if I did want to sleep in here tonight?"

"My Everest, you would be hard pressed to keep me away now...but if you wish to remain in this room then so be it." I said as I kissed her once again. We let our kiss grow and soon we were both moving toward the bed.

The back of her legs hit the mattress and our kissing slowed, I removed my suit jacket and bow tie before undoing the buttons on my shirt while she worked on my belt and pants with both my shirt and undershirt off my pants hit the floor so I stepped out of my shoes as well as the pile of clothes. As I bent down to remove my socks I couldn't help but notice her lovely dress hit the floor.

Socks off I slowly stood back up as I took in the beautiful display that my mate was putting on just for me: high heels, revealing lingerie, my mark on her neck in full view.

"Oh My Everest..." I smirked, my wolf clawing to come out. "Would you lie down for me so that I can begin pleasuring you My Luna."

She, being the naughty temptress that she is, she couldn't resign to just sitting on the bed and lying back for me. No instead she turned around and crawled to the center of the bed, giving me the best view of that sinful ass of hers.

I swallowed hard as once again I had to fight to keep my wolf from coming out.

But as she finally laid down she looked at me and smirked before she seductively took her bottom lip into her teeth, her eyes weren't their usual warm chocolate color...but instead her pupils were dilated and beginning to black out...her wolf was in control.

My wolf howled and I couldn't keep him caged any longer as he sprang forward and took full control.

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