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When Titus and Nico rejoined everyone Titus excused us from their presence as he "wished to freshen up before dinner."

And I was only too willing to join him as I had desperately missed my husband.

He helped me into the car and the drive to the pack house was filled with a content silence. Bogart opened the door for us before Bryan (Who rode in the front seat with Bogart to give him directions ) tended to Titus' bag.

"Thank you Bryan." I sounded as he set Titus' bag down on a table by the front the door.

"My pleasure Luna Graystone." He said respectfully, his head bowed so as not to meet my eyes.

"Bogart, Bryan...you are both dismissed, Bogart we will be leaving for the Pruitt house around 7 for dinner."

They both nodded before finally leaving us alone in this empty pack house.

I couldn't hide my yawn from him and he moved to grab his one bag and took my hand before he  led me up the stairs.

We reached the room with the only open door and I found my bags in here.

Titus took the time to place them onto a sofa in the room and I stepped out of my shoes and undid the very nicely made bed before I removed my dress and stood in my underwear before my husband.

His lovely brown eyes turned stormy as his lust came forward.

His eyes had roamed my body and this pushup bra mixed with my heavier bust had his eyes glued to my chest.

Of course my handsome husband had traveled in one of his suits so I took a step forward, closing the gap between us, gently took grip of his tie and gave it a tug to bring his mouth down to meet mine.

His hands went to my hips as he helped himself to my wanton kisses.

I tried desperately to get as much of his clothes off as I could without removing my mouth from his.

He helped and together we had succeeded in our mission and soon I was laying on this unfamiliar bed.

We could have been outside on the dirt and I would care less so long as I was with him.

Every touch of his sated my wolf, but every kiss seemed to caress my soul. And when he finally entered me, my entire world was clouded in ecstasy.

I didn't think anything could be better than having sex with my husband...but making love with my mate....the pleasure it fills me with is absoultely insurmountable.

Titus took care in handling me but always remained in tune with my body to bring me to the the wonderful climax that only he could bestow upon me. As I laid in his arms afterward he let his fingers trail up and down my back as he whispered "I love you" over and over again.

"I wish I could live in this exact moment forever my Alpha."

"Then I promise I will do my best to recreate this for you every single day so long as I am capable." He said, I could feel his face lift a little and knew he would be smiling.

But all too soon we had to get up, we had a shower and helped each other get dressed.

It's a funny thing...you would think there was nothing more sexy that having your partner undress you...but there is something so sensual in having your partner dress you.

I had to close my eyes as Titus' fingers left heated trails up my legs as he pulled my thigh high hose on and carefully clipped them into the garter belts, how he got onto his hands and knees to help me strap my heels taking care to kiss my inner thighs , at eye level with a very heated core.

He arose to help me into my dress which I  stepped into, he stood extrodinarily close behind me (in only his boxer briefs) so that I could feel his hardening member as he zipped the long zipper of my dressed closed.

Now it was my turn. he put his undershirt over his head but I took my time in pulling the top down, taking a page out of his book as I made sure the space between us was limited as I slowly pulled the hem of his undershirt down, the back of my fingers brushing against his beautifully sculpted abs, he pulled on his top and sadly theres no real sexy way to do up bottons, and same with the tie.

I got a little silly with the tie and he dipped his head down so I could place the tie around the back of his head so I could actually tie it. I let the longer end of the tie dip into my cleavage. "oops." I said.

He smirked and looked at me.

"Allow me my Love." He said as he moved to remove the fabric from between my breast. He allowed the back of each of his fingers to softly stroke the top of my breast, causing me to breath a little havier as the lust was begining to fill me once more.

With the tie finally tied he finally stepped into his pants and I didn't even try to subtly play with him as I placed my hand on his full on buldge and zipped his slacks up before securing it with the button.

"I think I can manage my belt Love...any more and I'm going to have to undress and fuck you before dinner."

I smiled and kissed him, "I'll wait for you downstairs." I said innocently "Maybe after dinner we can revisit this idea of you fucking me."

He growled and I laughed a little.

It didn't take him very long to join me and soon we were heading out back to the Pruitt's house.

"One moment my love, I need to call Ash."

He nodded and I pulled out my cellphone, Ash answered almost immediately.

"Evie...I should be landing in about five minutes, am I suppose to find the packhouse alone or..."

"Titus and I will pick you."

"Well what are you riding in?" He asked.

"A black Bently."

He laughed, "Of course you are...and am I suppose to ride up front with the driver?"

I rolled my eyes, don't be ridiculous, there's plenty of room here in the back with Titus and I."

He sighed, "Evie, i'm sure your husband wouldn't want me crowding into the back seat with the two of you."

I turned to Titus and covered the mouthpiece of the phone so Ashton wouldn't hear us.

"Do you have any problem with us going to pick up my brother from the airport?" I asked, he shook his head no, "alright do you mind his sitting back here with us?"

"My Love, I do not mind, so long as you are comfortable with having your brother with us."

Picked up on his note of concern in his words.

"Oh no..." I tried to remeady quickly. "No, I have never had issue with Ash or my baby brother Vale...we have always been very close as well as one of my sisters Briar...it's mostly Rich who's the jerk like dad..."

He smiled, "Very well then...I'll inform Bogart of the change in plans and you let your brother know we are on our way.

"We're on our way Ashton...-"

He chuckled, "I haven't had anyone call me by my full name in forever...not even Flora calls me that."

I smiled, "Get use to it."

A short while later I found myself sandwiched in between my husband and my brother as we rode to the Pruitt's home.

"I have to warn you about the Pruitt's." I said now. "Alpha Victor is very kind, Lydia is super emotional but she has every right to be in my opinion, and Nico...he's kinda got an attitude, but again...he's got just cause for it." I said to Ash.

He nodded and soon we pulled up to the house. Ash let himself out as Bogart held the door open for Titus and once out of the car Titus helped me out of the car.

I gathered my dress slightly to keep it from dragging on the ground and soon Titus and I were in front of Ash and the three of us let ourselves into the house.

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