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After dinner the men resigned to an ancient looking sitting room and helped themselves to after dinner drinks and some even lit cigars, it was like something out an old fashioned movie.

This in turn left Heidi and I alone with Luna Pruitt.

"Coffee?" She asked.

I nodded and gave her a sympathetic smile, "that sounds perfect Luna Pruitt."

Her own smile faltered just a little.

"I'm sorry," I sounded, "I do believe that you are my mother, but it will take some time still."

At this she seemed to soften, "I understand." She smiled once again, "but call me Lydia, Luna Pruitt's just for formalities...Luna Graystone."

I had to laugh, I understood her dislike for the titles just as much as I did.

"You think Luna is bad try Lady or Mistress." I put in "mistress makes me sound like the other woman or something," then it made me think, I looked to Heidi now, "that isn't why they call me that is it?"

Her smile verged laughter "no Everest, every title you have mirrors all of your husbands...Alpha and Luna, Lord and Lady, Master And Mistress."

"Master?!" I nearly choked, these people couldn't be serious now. "I've never once heard anyone refer to Titus as their Master."

"And you wouldn't...Alpha Graystone forbade anyone from using the title Master, you on the other hand are still the Mistress of this manor, or rather look at it as the head of the home instead of any negative connotation in connected to the word."

I tried to shrug it off.

Heidi called for some coffee and we enjoyed light conversations and Lydia asked about me about my childhood.

"I was always the wild child, never one to listen to my father without putting up some sort of argument...I was kind of a tomboy growing up since Ash, Vale and I were so close, and since I wasn't inside playing with makeup and painting my nails like Brooke and Briar, I was outside racing against Ash and Vale, climbing trees, skidding my knees, getting dirt under my nails, making pots out of mud and letting them dry in the sun."

I smiled and continued, "when I shifted it was everything I hoped it would be, I ran faster, climbed higher, got messier...my father always said because I was so wild I was so in tune with my wolf, he use to call me his little wolf girl...I shifted every chance I could."

Heidi and Lydia stared at me, "I'm sure Maggie was similar since we were twins."

They shook their heads, "complete polar opposite." Heidi sounded.

"Magnolia was always a very docile child, hardly cried, never one to be a bother, very shy, loved to stay in...she loved her dolls, had quite the collection and she'd just sit and brush their hair for hours." Lydia smiled, "I remember when it was time to shift she turned into her wolf and then turned back almost immediately, she in a way... resented, her wolf for lack of a better term...she hardly ever shifted and contented her wolf by sitting on a quilt out in a field of flowers, she'd shifted for a minute or two, no running, no hunting...just lying there before she'd shift back."

Heidi nodded along to her aunts words.

"You know there were times I'd try and call my wolf forward and she wouldn't respond to me." I spoke up, as I thought about something. "Do you think this moon twin thing would extend to sharing our wolves like instead of having twin wolves...do you think it's possible we had the same wolf?"

"It makes perfect sense." Heidi sounded excitedly, "it would make a little more sense to why you have two Mates."

I sighed. "It's a stretch when you think about it."

"No" Lydia shook her head, "it makes sense when you think that there is one wolf but two girls, each girl would have to have their own mate...maybe when you saw your...-"

"Caleb." I informed her.

"Yes, when you saw Caleb, you heard the wolf call out 'Mate' only it wasn't your mate, it was your sisters mate...and the same thing for Maggie, when she heard the wolf call out Mate toward Titus it was in reference to your mate...both of you acted upon hearing the call from your wolf but both of you tried to force something that wasn't organic...but I'm sure you and Titus...-"

"Are perfect." Heidi said sweetly.

Two girls, one wolf...who had ever heard of such a thing?

I had to excuse myself from the coffee portion as it was all too much, "I'm going to head up to bed, Lydia I'm sure Titus would like to sit down with both your husband and yourself again tomorrow if you don't mind extending your stay."

"Of course not." She smiled and then I bid them a good evening.

Soon enough I found myself in my own private quarters, I laid on the bed to think about things, not bothering to change into pajamas, remove my makeup, or release my hair from the ponytail.

My wolf was the only person I needed to be with right now. I sighed and closed my eyes, "Is...or was Caleb my mate?" I asked out loud.


My stomach dropped, "then why did you become so hurt when I rejected him...you shut me out after I did that.!"

'Not yours to reject.'

"So you were pissed because I rejected someone else's Mate?" I growled.


"So then Titus...-"


I could feel her love for him radiating throughout my entire being.

I smiled.

Titus is my Husband

Titus is my Alpha

Titus is my Mate

I sat up getting ready to leave, I needed to go to him, I had to tell him exactly what was going on with myself, even if he didn't want to be with me he had the right to know.

Suddenly the bedroom door opened and there he was, as if he knew I was fixing to go looking for him, I couldn't help but smile as I felt my wolf stir for him. Then he spoke.

I looked right at him, I wasn't exactly expecting him to just show up in here.

"We need to talk."

My stomach fell upon here the four words.

His Crazy Little LunaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora