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"Everest...why can't you just leave well enough alone?" Ash sighed.

"I didn't come looking for her, she came to me."

"Have you stopped to ask yourself why... why now after all of these years does she suddenly want to be a part of your life, where was she before huh, why did she leave us, just give us up?"

I had hit a sore spot for him apparently.

"Ash, that's not true none of it is true...Dad lied to us...and does it even surprise you?"

He didn't say anything.

"There's more, we had a sister and another half brother."

"Had?" He asked.

"Yeah...well Nico is still here and pretty much hates my very existence...But, well...I had a twin, Magnolia Pruitt."

"Why does that name sound so familiar?" He wondered out loud now.

There was a pause as he seemed to be thinking.

"She was with Titus before me." I said vaguely, everyone one knew Titus only really had one girlfriend before we got together.

"Titus' Mate?!"

"It's complicated." I sounded flatly, trying my best to suppress the growl that grew inside of me. That familiar wave of jealousy began to come forward. "Look, if anything all I'll ask is you come out for one day and then you can leave, I also have something I want to tell everyone at once."

"Fine I'll leave here in about an hour, I should be there around dinner time, but I can't promise I will stay longer than the evening."

"Fair enough."

I hung up after that and enjoyed the outdoors for a moment longer before Heidi finally joined me.

"Everything okay?"

I nodded, "As well as can be expected...My brother's on his way, Ash...I don't know if you've had the chance to meet him at my presenting?"

She shook her head no.

I smiled, "You'll like him, he's very sweet...My husband is also coming."

"Couldn't stay away from you?" She smiled.

I couldn't help but smile as well as I play with my new engagement ring.

"So, have you begun to think of any wedding ideas?" She asked.

Of course I had told her all about the proposal the same day it happened.

I shrugged, "I had a few ideas but I want to talk with Titus about them first."

And it was true, I had more than a few ideas like, should we rush a wedding, and try and get everything we want in a short time...or put it off until after the babies and possibly run the risk of forgetting it altogether?

"Well I'm sure he's going to be excited to see you and whatever you two plan I'm sure it will be lovely."

"Could you do me a favor, it's kind of a big favor."

She nodded, "I can try my best...what's up?"

"I need you to try and see if I could talk with Nico, alone."

She looked at me and offered up a soft smile, "I'm sure if you give him time he'll come around."

I shook my head, "I'm not so sure about that, he loved his sister...and as luck would have it I don't know if he even realizes that Titus and I are married...mates no less, fact of the matter is I'm short on time as I want to try and explain everything to him before he just so happens to see Titus and I together in a few hours."

His Crazy Little Lunaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें