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The night before our wedding I watched as Heidi happily escorted my mate into her old room, silly traditions dictated that we couldn't sleep together the night before the wedding and that the next time I see her It'd be at the wedding.

I shook my head as I actually left the house myself...I could tell my Mate was nervous, it was hard to pin down just what was the cause of her nerves but I knew one of the things she had seriously warned me about was me peeking into her thoughts about the wedding dress.

So to prevent any mishaps from happening (as I'm sure things will be chaotic come morning) I removed myself and set up base at one of the hotels in town.

"Let's grab some drinks." I said to Evan.

"Last minute bachelor party?" He smirked.

I gave him a deadpan expression, "I have a mate."

He held his hands up and chuckled, "just checking."

"No...no bachelor party, I just need a couple of drinks to relax, I already know I'm gonna sleep like shit since I won't be sharing a bed with Everest."

Just then his phone rang and he answered it cooly, "Evan...okay, will do, okay...thank you." He sounded seriously before hanging up and looking at me, "Everest's sister and brother in law just arrived and your father's plane is set the land in three hours."

I nodded, "so everyone's here."

"Everyone that was invited Alpha...and so far the guards haven't hear any rumblings about out of towners other than invited guests with their invitations."

We got to the hotel and went to the hotel's bar.

"Do you think her dad will show up?" I asked as we took a seat at the bar and placed our drink orders.

He shook his head confidently. "He'll no...not without being invited and definitely not with so much security and too rankin officials in attendance."

"He's a presumptuous ass...Richard and his son Rich credit themselves as being up there with the elite that will be there tomorrow."

"Look man fuck the Kirkshaws." He said as he threw back a shot.

I gave him a look to remind him of his words, as I happen to be married to a Kirkshaw and her brother and sister are Kirshaws.

"Well I mean...the ones we don't like, fuck em."

I couldn't help but smirk, he was right...Ash alongside with his mate seemed fine as people but more importantly they seemed to genuinely care about my mate's happiness and well being. I'm sure her sister was also similar otherwise I'm more than certain the My Everest wouldn't have. invited her

We had a couple more before I ended up calling it a night.



I sat on the bed excitedly as all the women were in my room (baby Camilla included) as I was being rushed to bed.

"While we dont want you looking tired tomorrow, we just wanted to talk to you and give you some things."

"Some things?" I asked with a curious smile.

Hiedi smiled, "Words of wisedom, things for your big day tomorrow." She filled me in, "I'll start...I know we met unconventionally but from day one our friendship came so seamlessly it was never forced or faked...and the same can be said for yours and Titus' relationship...I have been lucky to have been one of the few people to witness as you two grew together, and I know without a shadow of a doubt that your future will be just as happy with not only Titus but your children and your family that are here for tonight."

"Thank you Heidi." I said as I pulled her in for a hug.

"My turn next." Briar practically sang as she and Flora smiled.

"Evie, as your older sister I was one of the only people to truly know you...you were always headstrong and crazy, and you were beyond angry when our father announced your Union contract."

I nodded.

"I could see immediately in your eyes that you were ready to defy him and push whoever the guy was away...I could tell you were going to do anything and everything to sabotage your Union, but im glad that you gave it a shot because baby sister...I have never seen you so happy and that makes me happy...but to ensure your long happiness I have got you this." She said as she pulled out a piece of the lightest blue ribbon.

She smiled and explained..."I used it in my wedding to tie my bouquet and I was hoping that you'd accept it as your something blue and hopefully your marriage will be as fun and happy as mine and Kevin's."

"Of course, thanks Bry."I smiled before the next person spoke.

"Many of us here know what it's like to love your husband." Flora put in gently "but only a few of us are lucky to have found our mate Sweet Everest, and as crazy as it sounds, everyday together just brings you two closer and closer and I hope...with all my heart, that you two never know a day of unhappiness." She smiled. "Your brother and I got you something as well."

She pulled out a rectangle box and handed it to me.

"Flora, you guys didn't have to." I said as I opened it. "Oh honey, this is too much." I sounded in awe of the stunning bracelete.

Flora simply smiled and took the box back as she withdrew the delicate piece. She took my hand and I let her clasp it, as I looked at it. It was a very very thin tennis bracelete covered in tiny diamonds...enough to give me some glitz, but not too much to take away from my engagment ring.

"Ash and I hope that like this bracelet your relationship will always sparkle with beauty and love."

I thanked her and then looked at Lydia.

She had a proud smile on for me, "I guess it's finally my turn."

She sighed a shaky sigh, "I have thought about this day for your entire life, so to be here is not lost on me for one minute." She cried. "I apologize, this is a happy affair and I can assure you that these are happy tears...Everest beautiful Everest so mighty and strong...I wish with all my heart I could have known you before, but I am fortunate that you are allowing me to know you now...now you don't have to take it but it a tradition that when the oldest girl in our family gets married she wear these..." She said as she held out a pair of beautiful pearlesant earrings.

I looked at the lovely earrings and she went on.

"They're moonstone, they have been in our family a very very long time and my dear, I know this weekend hasn't been easy for you and I know that you are trying...but if I can do one thing, I want you to know that Titus and also now with this wedding...it was always meant to be yours...just like these earrings were always meant to be yours as you are and always will be my oldest daughter and one day when you have a daughter of your own they will go to her on her wedding day and so on and so on."

"It all feels so surreal." I admitted, "I mean I shouldn't feel like this...we're already husband and wife...and yet, I feel like...I don't know...like I don't deserve this, or that something's going to go wrong."

Lydia took my hand in hers. "You deserve every bit of this and more...and nothing is going to go wrong at my daughter's wedding so long as I can help it."

After that I told them all godnight and somehow willed myself to fall asleep.

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