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The next morning I woke up slightly irritable.

I had, had a horrible night's sleep as I was too stubborn to just go and sleep in mine and Titus' bedroom, my wolf missed him and it made her restless knowing he was up in our room. Which in turn meant that I was unable to sleep.

"Good morning." Heidi practically sang as she let her self into the bedroom and pulled back the drapes to let in the morning light.

I groaned. "Morning."

"Oh, sounds like you had a rough night...you and your husband still arguing?"

I shook my head, "Actually he apologized last night, I just wanted him to see I wouldn't give into him too easily...of course that was a mistake when you stop and think about the fact that we are mates, me with his mark no less...and of course we have always shared a bed since the night we got married."

She shook her head, "there was that one time..."

I knew exactly what she was referring to, it was right after my Luna presenting...we had a disagreement and he left only to go and capture Caleb.

"Other than that." I sounded as I no longer wished to speak on the topic. "Plus this will be good for me...I have to know what it'll be like when we leave."

"Speaking of, when exactly are we leaving?"

I sighed, "Honestly I had hoped to leave this weekend, but I will need to get in contact with Lydia first, see if they even want me to come down...can't show up unexpectedly...that and I have to deal with my Dad and brother Rich."

She nodded, "If you would like we can work mostly out of your office today...actually you might want to decorate it as it's pretty bare in comparison to your husbands."

I had thought about Titus' office, he had a wall of book shelves lined with nothing but books and a huge window behind his desk. He had a few knick knacks here and there and a nice rug.

"Could we stop by my office before breakfast, I'd like to check it out."

She nodded, "well yeah if you ever get up and get dressed...no official Luna business today either so you can have a pretty casual sort of day if you'd like."

I got out of bed and went into the restroom, I went through my morning routine before getting dressed in a pair of comfy skinny jeans and a light gray sweater, not bothering to do anything with my wild hair.

Afterward as Heidi and I were leaving the room Titus was approaching us, he too wore a more "casual" outfit, I had honestly never seen him wear anything but a suit or tuxedo so this was an unexpected turn but the look suited him. He wore his own pair of nice jeans, a white button down top (more than likely tucked in with a belt) and a fitted, light tan blazer.

"Don't you look handsome." I said as he stepped forward he wished us a good morning and then kissed me.

He smiled at the compliment, "Thank you My Luna, I have somewhat of a rare day off...now then, are you ready to go down for breakfast?"

I shook my head no, "I was actually on my way to my office...I haven't been in there yet and Heidi suggested I decorate it."

"I think that's a wonderful idea," he smiled once again, "How about I leave you ladies to it then, i'll meet you down in the dining room and if you'd like we can go shopping for your new office after breakfast?"

"Really?" I asked excitedly, I had never been shopping with a guy, but from what I remember of my brother's shopping trips with their mates, they tended to grumble afterwards.

"Of course." He said before he kissed my hair and went on his way.

I was giddy now, to be honest I don't think I will ever get use to the way he makes me and my wolf feel.

"Right this way" Heidi said as we moved further down the hall, passed my room was a door I honestly hadn't noticed before at the very end of the hall. She opened the door and I walked in. It was obvious this room was meant to be a bedroom at one point in time.

Just like Titus' office there was a huge window right behind the desk, unlike Titus' office there was another large window on one wall, as well as another window on the wall to the left but this window was a beautiful bay window, and on the opposite wall were floor to ceiling bookshelves as well.

"It is pretty empty." I sounded unenthusiastically as I echoed her earlier statement.

All that was in there was a desk and a desk chair.

"Well I definitely want some books, oh, is this office soundproof...would you know that?" I asked unsure as I looked at her now.

She had her fancy itinerary book out jotting down what I was saying I wanted before she stopped and nodded her head, "Yes ma'am, all offices, the libraries, and the Master suite are soundproofed."

This time I nodded my head, "Perfect...if I'm going to be working in here I will definitely need to get an iPod and a Bluetooth speaker...I can't work without music...and pictures, as many of Titus and I that you can find if any." I said a little sadly now...it wasn't like we had a photographer for our union, I would have loved photos of that evening to look back on.

Although thinking back to that night, in the headspace I was in at the time, I wouldn't have wanted photos of the night I was forced to marry someone I had just met.

"Anything else?" She asked.

"I was thinking maybe a sofa in here instead of stuffy chairs...maybe a rug...I'll have to see what I find while I'm out today because I actually love the wood floors."

Afterward we left for breakfast.

Titus was down in the dining room with Evan, I couldn't help but smile as I saw him. As handsome as he is in suites...there was something about his lax look that drew me in, like...I wondered if this was the Titus before he had to become Alpha...more chill.

We sat down and ate breakfast together alongside Evan and Heidi.  If a stranger walked in right now they would only see a group of easy going twenty-somethings just laughing and enjoying each others company.

Titus stood up, "ready?"

I placed my hand in his and let him lead me out of the dining room. He walked me through the front door and I was surprised even further when I found that there was already a car awaiting us, even more surprising, there was no suited driver like Bogart.

He walked us down the steps and motioned for the man at the door to stand down when he noticed he was rushing to get the car doors for us. Titus opened the passenger side door for me and then helped me into the car before he went around to the drivers side. He started up the car before grabbing a pair of sunglasses.

"Could you stop?" I asked as I looked at him.

"What's wrong?"

"Stop getting hotter and hotter." I said playfully.

He lifted my hand and placed a kiss upon it, he released my hand only to place the car in drive before collecting my hand into his once more and we finally drove off.

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