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"You have no idea how long I've waited to see you."

My heart was beating furiously, I hadn't known this woman and yet here she was looking at me, almost lovingly.

I get that I resemble her daughter slightly but this staring was beginning to be too much.

"Please, allow me to introduce my wife Luna Everest Graystone." Titus sounded.

They both instantaneously bowed their heads in a sign of respect before I moved to shake their hands. First Alpha Pruitt took my hand, his eyes still trying to read my face.

Then I moved to shake his wife's hand but she pulled me into a hug instead.

Not wanting to be rude I hugged her back, "it's a pleasure to meet you Luna Pruitt."

She released me with an audible snifle, her husband took her hand and handed her his pocket square to dab at her eyes.

"My apologies," Alpha Pruitt sounded, "my wife...-"

Titus held up his hand in protest, "please, there's no apology needed, Everest and I can't begin to imagine what you two must be going through right now."

I nodded my head in agreement with him.

No doubt seeing the man who was suppose to be your son in law married to another woman other than your daughter has to be rough...but for the new woman to favor your deceased daughter...it's kind of twisted. And I instantly blamed The my father for all of this.

"We knew it wouldn't be easy to see you married to someone else." Alpha Pruitt spoke up.

His wife had calmed down a little and she only continued to stare at me before she cracked.

"I can't do this!" She cried. "I thought I could do this, but I can't...do you know what he's done, what he took from me?!"

I got extremely defensive.

"Luna Pruitt I understand this is an emotional event and I even give notice to the care and respect that you and your husband have given in coming here personally to meet me." I said as calmly as I could. "But I will not have you come into our home and place the blame of your daughters death on my husband."

She looked confused.

She seemed to take in my words momentarily before she shook her head. "My husband and I have never and would never place any blame for what happened to Magnolia on Alpha Graystone... no sweet Everest I was referring to your heartless father taking you from me just like he took your brother."

I felt like the wind had been knocked out of me and the only sound I could hear was my own heart beating so loud it reverberated within my eardrums.

"I wanted to reach out to you so many times, you have no idea how much I've missed you." She continued.

I had to sit down and luckily Titus seemed to understand what I was thinking as he moved to help me take a seat and then spoke on behalf of me. "Is this true...so that means Everest and Maggie are...sisters?"

I could hardly breath, every intake of air felt short like I wasn't getting enough air, and I began to panic thinking about it.

Was I having a panic attack?

"Twins..." Luna Pruitt said with a smile now. "Moon Twins to be exact."

"I can't breath." I finally got out as I looked up at Titus for help, he got up and poured me a glass of water before he picked up a folder and began to fan me. "Calm down My Everest, we'll get to the bottom of this." He said as he rubbed my back with his free hand. "Explain...leave nothing out." He ordered.

His touched helped me breath a little more normally.

Luna Pruitt nodded and took a seat in one of the chairs placed in front of the desk.

"I first met Richard through my father, as I'm sure you know your father Everest...he has always been about power plays."

I nodded my own head, this was the whole reason I ended up with Titus in the first place.

"He approached my father with talks of growing tired of his wife and his father in laws declining health...he never exactly signed anything promising to marry me but my father and I being hopeful, I mean I was the youngest...couldn't have had a better prospect in my fathers eyes."

She rolled her eyes and shook her head, "my father all but pushed Richard and I into the bedroom that night...he visited a few more time afterward and it wasn't long before he was divorced and I was pregnant with his son."

She paused to wipe a few stray tears. "I was in love with the idea of being his future Luna and our son would one day lead a pack of his own...so when he brought a contract stating that the only way the baby be legitimized would be if he held surname and...I was blinded by love, of course he could I wanted our baby to have his father's lastname...we'd be married soon enough right and I too would have the surname of Kirkshaw?" She shook her head. "I signed the contract and he took Ashton away, claiming that sons shouldn't be raised by women if they were to be proper men someday."

"Ash is my full brother?" I croaked a little.

She smiled, "He is, and I patiently and dutifully awaited the return of Richard, rejecting advance after advance from marriage offers...I knew he'd come back to me and a few years later he did, the time spent together was like he had never left, but when he suddenly got called away I learned that he had just had twin daughters and I was now five months pregnant once again."

No one spoke but Luna Pruitt.

"My parents were furious, my father banished me, but my mother wouldn't have me become a rogue so she send me to live with my sister and her new husband...my sister was also pregnant at the time, he somehow found me as he sent a lady with a contract just like the one I had to signed for Ashton, but this time she spoke words of marriage and alliances...your father is smart, he knew I'd need a husband and an alliance to get back into my fathers good graces." She sighed.

She held her head in her hands now. "My sister begged me not to sign, I wish every day since then that I had listened to her, but in the end I signed that I would deliver a healthy baby to be raised solely by him, relinquishing my rights as a mother." Her husband rubbed her back now and soon she continued.

"The night you were born your fathers assigned lady was in the room, I birthed you first and she immediately took you to be cleaned, we didn't expect a twin to come out as no ultrasounds were performed, so my sisters midwife delivered Magnolia and my sister, who was already fixing to give birth herself any day now hid the baby in her dress and walked out of the room before the lady returned...I was so emotional at what I knew was about to happen." She said with a shaky voice.

"I was able to name you, and I clipped a little curl from your head before I had to kiss you goodbye...she promised that your father would send for me once I regained my strength...but of course I never heard from him again, I met my Mate Victor shortly after and he kindly took me and Magnolia in, many people assumed she was his, and he kindly let them believe it...but there hasn't been a day that I didn't think of you, to this day I still carry your lock of hair." She smiled as she touched a locket around her neck gently.

I looked up at Titus and he looked at me as if seeing me for the first time, it put me on edge, was he suddenly put off by me? He gave me a weak smile and gave my back a quick reassuring rub before he looked back at Luna Pruitt.

"You mentioned something before about Maggie and Everest, some kind of twins?

Luna Pruitt smiled this time, "Yes they're Moon Twins."

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