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{Two Weeks Later}

I took my familiar seat at my desk in my office, what was once an empty room now served as the Wedding Headquarters.

I had samples of fabrics, swatches of various shades of white, floral arrangements, photos samples of various photographers works and much, much more.

But as the final week approached before our big day I couldn't complain.

"We're in the homestretch now." Heidi said with a smile as she walked into the office, Phyllis right behind her.

"We've received back every single RSVP" Phyllis informed me, "And the rooms are ready for all of your guests...your brother Ashton and his wife should be arriving tomorrow alongside your mother."

"And the Dress shop?" I asked.

"They are already for your final fitting once Aunt Lydia and Flora Arrive." Heidi put in with a smile.

I gave off my own contented smile, "You two are beyond amazing..." I sighed, "I honestly don't know how I would've done any of this without you both."

They made sounds of protest to my praising them but it was true...the both of them took mine and Titus' ideas for the wedding and made them all a reality...this gave Titus and I the time to enjoy our pregnancy by beginning to decorate the nursery and purchasing little things here and there.

Of course over the past two weeks my body had begun to show my pregnancy, I wasn't outrageously pregnant at the moment and I am no longer so self concious about it.

"There is also something else we need to discuss." Heidi put in.

I could see she didn't want to bring it up but it was something that seemed important, she looked over at Phyllis.

"What's up?"

Phyllis stepped forward, "My Lady, it's The Hunt...traditionally it would be held a little further out but there is a new moon coming, about a week after your wedding ma'am...This will of course push your honeymoon back."

I smiled, and nodded..."I guess theres really no need for a honey moon if I'm already pregnant anyways."

They both gave me weary smiles and I excused them.

I sat at the desk and sighed as I thought about the Hunt.

A Nothern Stone Pack tradition...A pregnant woman goes out on a full moon and shifs into her wolf for the night...Alone.

From there she lets her wolf guide her, The wolf has to prove she can provide shelter for herself and her unborn pup(s) as well as find food to feed them...the fresh kill is suppose to strengthen the unborn and the cold of the outside is suppose to harden them to prepare them for life.

Something I wasn't particularly looking forward to seeing as I've never stayed in wolf form for more than a hour tops...and the thought of killing and eating a raw animal disgusted me.

But Titus assured me that every mother here has done it and survived...not to mention I knew he'd be right there waiting for me come morning...hell I wouldn't be surprised if he spent the whole night out there too...he just couldn't be with me because I have to prove that I am fit and ready to be a mother.

I finally got up and made my way down to the Kitchen, I held a meeting with my house staff

"First a friendly reminder that the wedding will be here before we know it..." Many of the staff members smiled happily. "Because of that we will begin to see guests starting to arrive throughout the week...now for practicallity I will not have a big dinner every night our guests are here...some may not like it but oh well." I smiled.

A couple of the younger staff members tried to hide their own smiles.

"That being said we will have to run it like a hotel, of course the guests will need to be fed and have clean linens so we will have banquet style breakfast, lunch, and dinner while they are here...again nothing extravagent, I want things as simple as possible...breakfast will be fruits, hot ceral, scrambled eggs, toast, and a meat dish be it ham, sausage, or bacon...plenty of tea and coffee though."

One of the cooks nodded and jotted down a note in his own notepad.

"Lunch and dinner will be more of the same, for lunch nothing big, sandwhiches...we can do cold cuts one day, maybe a chicken salad or tuna the next day, soups, salads, and dinner we will serve more soup or salad options as well as a pasta, poltury, or a meat dish." I said. "Trust me they will eat whatever you put in front of them."

Again the cook made note and I turned to the maids.

"Now for the linens and towels...again, just like a hotel at Noon every single day if you could enter the rooms and gather all the soiled linens and replace them with fresh linens...always knock and be mindful of them, if they are in the room you can always make a note to come back but most would allow you to just work around them...some may even say they don't need fresh items, if that's the case then just thank them and move on to the next ones."

They all nodded, "I suppose we can pick up extra toiletries in case someone needs something so if anyone wants to volunteer for that mission we'll need shampoo, conditioner, santary napkins, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shaving cream for both male and female, razors for both as well, cotton swabs, and body wash...if it doesn't get used we can always have those on hand so it isn't a huge loss there."

Lastly I turned to the drivers, "For the most part we have an idea of when everyone will be arriving but as flights and travel times vary constently I will ask that you all remain on call, please keep your phones on at all times and be ready to go at a moments notice...also apologze to your significant others for the inconvinence of potentially having to leave in the middle of the night...the first of our guests are arriving tomorrow two families...my mother step father, and half brother Nico alongside my brother Ashton, His wife Flora and their new Baby Camilla..."

There were a few "awws" from some of the staff members and I smiled and nodded. "The Alpha and I can't wait for them to arrive, ecspecially our niece...Alpha Supreme is set to arrive any day now as well."

The drivers nodded and I took a deep breath.

"That's it for now on that front... moving on to the bigger events..." I sighed.

"We will have a formal sit down for the rehersal dinner...this will be a black tie affair so we'll have to pull out all the china and silver for that...I'll have to give you all a list of the people invited to that as it won't be everyone...just family and close friends."

They all nodded.

"Of course the night of the wedding we will have the catered food, so no huge stress there except for helping them plate everything and serve... and the other event happening now is the Hunt."

I was ticking off my talking points as I went along and I sighed again on this one as I wasn't particularly looking forward to this event.

"It'll take place about a week after the wedding...obviously I wont be here that evening But something tells me my husband will also remain outside." I said as cooly as I could without getting emotional thinking about him out in the cold all night.

"And as strong as he is please try your best to make sure he eats while I'm not here, at the very least some coffee...don't offer him a blanket, he'll take offense...and while they aren't required to stay I have a feeling some of my family members will remain for The Hunt..."

Just then Titus joined me and I turned to smile over at him, He placed a loving hand on my lower back as I wrapped up the meeting. "Lastly remember that our wedding is invitation only... No one without an invitation is allowed onto the land much less the house so if you see anyone without an invitation please talk with someone of the guard and they will take care of the situation."

"My guard have been notified as well." Titus spoke up. "There are a lot of people who want to align themselves with us and will say or do anything to gain access to the wedding to get near my wife or myself."

"At anytime if you feel like someone isn't suppose to be here you may ask to see their invitation...all of our guest have been informed of random invite checks...what they don't know is theres a watermark on the invitations we've sent out...one that a fake wouldn't have...so make sure you look for the watermarks." I put in before I thanked them once again and ended the meeting.

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