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I had told Heidi everything, from what Luna Pruitt told me about being a twin, to the whole freaky moon twin sharing a mate thing.

She was now crying.

"Oh Heidi please don't be a wreck and freak out when I'm freaking out." I teared up, "I don't know what to do." I admitted with a shaky sort of sigh.

She wiped at her face with the back of her hand and she moved to pull me into a hug.

It wasn't meant to solve any problems but it was exactly what I needed at the moment. I couldn't stop my mind from thinking that this would have felt better if I was being hugged by Titus right now.

"Okay, inital freak out over." She smiled and we both pulled ourselves together. "So, I know you've been give basically an information overload...tell me what you're thinking."

I shrugged, "Is it bad to want it all to be true?"

She shook her head, "Why would that be bad?"

Because if it's true then Maggie spent her whole time loving my mate, and I did some pretty low stuff to get with hers." I laid back on the bed that had been mine the first night I arrived here. "I just keep thinking what if...what if my sister were born first, what if my dad wasn't a fucking prick, what if my mother didn't sign me over to him, what Titus had met me first?"

I could feel the tears begin to fall from the corners of my eyes and get lost into the tangle of curls now splayed out on the bed. I shook my head and cleaned the tears.

"I can't think like that."

"You have every right to think like that Everest, and you shouldn't be beating yourself up over it...I really think you should talk with your husband."

I looked down at the beautiful ring on my finger, and knew she was right. I had to sit down with him and see what he was thinking, I had to know if we'd be alright remaining married or if it was time we looked over some options to potentially end things before feelings become deeper.

I got up and hugged her, "You realize you just called me Everest for the first time." I smiled.

Still hugging me she simply shrugged, "We're cousins now."

I had never had a cousin before seeing as my father was an only child and I didn't know who my mother was. "I think I will give Titus the day to himself...please ask Evan to inform the visiting guests that we will pick up court first thing tomorrow morning."

I knew I should consult with Titus on these decisions and second guessed myself, "On second thought relay the same message to Evan but tell him to speak with Titus first to see if he's in agreement."

She nodded and I was left alone.

I immediately went into my closet and found my jeans and plain tops. I pulled off the skirt and heels and changed them out for a pair of jeans before choosing one of the long sleeve thermal tops. I grabbed a thick coat and some snow boots and decided I needed to get out to try and clear my head.

I knew I couldn't leave without Heidi so I told her I'd like to go into town and she agreed to let Bogart know we'd be leaving and of course he drove us with no questions asked.

I had to admit that it felt nice to get out of the house, for it being a huge mansion it sure felt stuffy and cramped at times.

"The distance will be good for you and Alpha Graystone." Heidi said.

I nodded, "My husband has got a lot on his plate, that's for sure." I sounded, knowing Bogart was within ear shot in the drivers seat. When we reached the town Heidi and I left Bogart with the car and began to walk through he store lined streets. Various people greeted me with head bows or "Luna."

"You know he loves you." She said as we passed a playground.

I nodded,"I know he does and given the short time it may seem odd for both of us to love each other but I sincerely love him, and would do anything to see him happy...but she also loved him."

Heidi nodded, "I wouldn't question that they loved eachother...but it was different."

"How so?"

there at the edge of the fence that bordered the playground sat an empty bench. Heidi took a seat with a sigh and I followed suite.

"I'm lucky" She sounded as she looked at the passing cars, the sound ofchildren running around without a care in the world coming from behind us. "I grew up with Maggie, so I knew her well, some would even say better than anyone...of course she was also close to her brother Nico too...Mags was always so sweet, and kind...very soft spoken...as a matter of fact she hardly ever spoke a bad word against anything growing up..." She smiled.

I listened on and she continued.

"Growing up we had always known Titus as he was the heir to the Norhtern Stone pack and my Uncle runs the Southern Stone Pack...the two have historically always been great alliances...sort of like a Wardens of the north and south if you will, they have to check in to let each other know whats going on and keep up to date."

"Again we spent a lot of time with Titus...he was a stoic sort of kid, didn't say much just like Maggie, always very well mannered and polite, and spoke beautifuly when he did talk." She said with a smile and shake of her head. "When we were little Mags and Titus couldn't stand each other, so it was honestly a shock to us when they grew up and shifted and found mates in each other."

"Well kids feel different about the opposite sex when they're that young." I put in.

SHe shook her head, "No they hated eachother, opposed eachother on everything and Nico couldn't stand him either."

She sighed, "Then suddenly we all shifted and he came to visit and it was as if she had found her voice and even though she was now attracted to him andclaimed to be his mate she still objected to him quite frequently."

"So she felt comforable enough to voice her opionions...she grew up." I sounded with a sigh as I couldn't see what hearing all of this was going to help any.

Heidi shook her head, "No when I say she objected, I mean she kinda rejected him without flat out saying 'I reject you', sure they were together but she hardly let him touch her, she never kissed him in front of people and if he did she'd move away from him immediately before he could do it again with an almost agitated look."

She sighed. "When he proposed to her and asked her to move up north she took a while before finally accepting his proposal but even at that it took her years to finally move up north to offically be with him...As you know she never gave herself to him even though they had plenty of opportunity, and they said they were mates...and then there's you two." She smiled.

"Us two?"

"Yeah...you know what, let's go somewhere."

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