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Song for this chapter: Palace by Sam Smith



After my run I sat in the woods and though about everything.

I was pissed.

I was pissed with Everest's fucking parents.
I was pissed at my fucking father.
I was pissed with myself.

Lydia's words were haunting me.

"...you and Everest may even be true Mates... not Magnolia."

I thought about Maggie and I, We had so many memories and as I sat there I couldn't find anything that stood out specifically.

There was the day that I found out she chose me as her mate, she had kissed me and immediately pushed me away after...it's a little hard not to remember a girl crying after she kissed you.

There was also our proposal. I had gone down to visit her (like always) I had asked for her mother and fathers blessing, her mother helped me set up a romantic spot, I got down on one knee and asked her to not only be my Luna but also my wife...she had looked at me as if searching for the right thing to say...I didn't even get an answer until weeks later.

Thinking back now, I wondered if she was actually arguing with herself to accept my proposal or not...maybe she felt that deep down we weren't true Mates...sure there was something there, but it was never anything as raw and passionate as the moments that Everest and I have had.

I let out a growl of frustration.

I sat there in the silence of the forest, watching as the day changed around me. As the sun began to set I finally had to admit the inevitable.

Everything that Lydia Pruitt said was true, everything about Everest and I was electric, we moved not only around one another cohesively but with one another peacefully as if dancing the most difficult dance and she was the perfect partner for me.

I could feel her nerves even being so far away from her right now. I could only imagine if I felt like shit, she must feel just as bad...and being the fucking idiot that I am...I selfishly took off when shit got too heavy...I left her to deal with it alone.

My wolf growled at me, we both knew we needed to go to Everest.

I rushed back to the house, I rushed back to her.

"Whatever I had with Maggie had to be in the past if I ever wanted a real future with Everest.

I walked into the house and was immediately pursued by one of the butlers rushing to take my coat.

"Where's my wife?" I asked.

"Lady Graystone is hosting a dinner for your Lordship's guests."

I felt even worse now, just then as if I'm cue I could feel how scared she was in the dining room, "black tie?" I asked as I was already racing up the stairs.

"Of course my Lord." He called back.

I wouldn't have time to shower judging by the time, but I wouldn't be too late if she started the dinner at 7, so I pulled on the first suit I could find sprayed my cologne once to try and mask the heavy pine scent that I knew would be linger on me. I combed back my hair and grabbed the bow tie before rushed back down the stairs, 7:26pm.

"Help me please." I said to no one in particular but two servants came forward, I held up my tie and the older gentleman stepped forward to assist me with the tie, sure I could do it myself, but for Everest's dinner, I wouldn't have the audacity to show up late and a sloppy mess.

I buttoned my suit jacket and ran my palms over the top of my head to ensure my hair was still in place.

"Good?" I asked.

The two men nodded their heads before the younger of the two walked a step behind me before opening the dining room doors for me.

Everyone stopped upon my entrance and rose to greet me with respect, but I only had eyes for her.

I could see that her back was to the door, my wolf was elated to be so near her once again, I could practically feel him pouncing with excitement.

'Luna' he howled in delight.

"Please everyone continued as you were."

Elegantly she took care of her dress as she too stood to greet me, I noticed she had her neck and shoulders on full display, and she turned to look at me, her beautiful face not covered in so much of that damn makeup.

It hurt to see her smile didn't reach her eyes like it usually does.

I could feel everyone looking at me. "My apologies for my tardiness, please please...eat, talk." I forced myself to give them all a smile as they began to take their seats and resume their conversations. I walked forward And stopped to personally apologize.

In heels she wasn't as short as me so I only had to lower my head just so, "I am so sorry it took me so long."

I had meant it in the sense, of running late to her dinner but in retrospect, I knew I really meant I was sorry it took me so long to see my true feelings for her. "But I'm here now...with you."

Of course I couldn't go a minute longer without being in the same room as her and not touching her.

As much as my wolf wanted more, I willed myself to resign to a simple kiss on the cheek.

I took my seat opposite her and was immediately brought food as well as included in multiple conversations.

But she was my only interest at the moment.

I hadn't seen her all day and here she was, refusing to look at me, but my mark gorgeously displayed for everyone in the room to gaze upon.

She was all mine, and I needed to let her know that I was all hers now, we both had our pasts and that's where they needed to stay.

His Crazy Little LunaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora