Once Upon a Nightmare (Vampire Teacher/Student) 20 - FINALE

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-Chapter 20-

I feel different. Better than I ever have in my whole life. I look around and realize that everything is so clear, why is my sight different? 

I don’t recognize where I am, but a voice from besides me explains, “You fainted from malnutrition, your wounds, lack of movement, and our separation.”

“What about the prophecy?” I ask. “You look perfect like the fight never happened?!”

“Vampires heal quickly,” He chuckled. “Yes the prophecy is fulfilled. I had to make you a vampire. I know you haven’t graduated yet, but I don’t know if you saw about your family?”

I shake my head, “I’m sorry. I can’t remember a whole lot from being trapped.”

“Luke and his guards killed them,” He sighs. “I’m sorry.”

“I guess it makes being a vampire easier. I don’t have to worry about them,” I try to be positive. “They are in a better place.”

“I knew you might not realize that you are a vampire, you were in a lot of pain. You didn’t have much blood, I had to give you more than usual for a transformation. I was so worried you might not survive.”

“How long was I... out of it?”

“Just a day,” He tells me. “The city is already improving, we don’t have a shortage on blood, which reminds me-” He pulls out a blood bag. 

“I’ve done weirder things, I guess...” I say taking the bag from him. 

I feel my own fangs extend. I bring a finger up and poke them. Michael begins to laugh. 

“Shut up,” I pout. “Not all of us are born with fangs!” 

Michael presses his lips to mine, I bite down on his lip drawing out some blood and drinking it. He deepens the kiss, but being a tease quickly sits back down and chuckles, “I’m not making fun of you, Anna. You are just being so adorable.”

I drain the bag quickly feeling the burning in my throat is quenched. “I have a few questions for you.”

“I know,” He tells me. “Before you collapsed you were yelling at me.”

“Oh... well why didn’t you tell me you were a Prince? Did you use me? Do you even like me?” 

“I didn’t tell you I was a Prince because I was afraid you would come to those conclusions. I am a Prince, and you are the psychic that helped our kingdom, but it is not the reason I fell in love with you. We are mates, and I love you, I would never use you. And as for do I like you... eh, you’re alright-”

“Michael,” I pout. 

“You are delightful,” He tells me kissing me again. 

“Keep it PG,” Isabel chimes entering the room. “Anna, I’m so glad you’re alive. When he brought you in here I thought you were going to die.”

“The Goddesses didn’t want her to die,” The King says entering the infirmary with the queen following. 

“Anna, these are my parents,” Michael introduces me. 

The woman has wavy brown hair and brown eyes, “Hello. It’s nice to finally meet you.”

The man has long blonde hair and brown eyes, “Hello, we’ve heard a lot about you from Michael and Isabel. We’re hoping you might decide to stay here.”

“Hi,” I greet. “Stay here? Can I?” 

“Of course you can,” Michael says. “Unless you prefer Antartica...”

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