"Are you done? " He said smirking.
"Not even close. But we have to go. " I said as I grabbed my clutch and keys. We walked downstairs and out the door. We got into my car, I was driving, and headed to the church.
"Your dad is Mexican right? So this party will be good. I'mma get hammered so your driving home. " I said with a glint in my eye.
"No. No getting hammered. We have to stay sober today. You can get hammered tomorrow. " He said and grabbed my free hand.
"Fine.have you even met his wife. " I asked.
"No I don't even know her name. I know nothing about her. Like I said when he left he left for good. "
"Hey it's okay. You still have you awesome mom and our little family of crazy friends. Isn't that all you need? "
"Yea your all I need. " I smiled.
"Well brace yourself because we are here. " I said when I parked the car.
"Okay let's do this. "
+----------------++++7++++++++++++++++(+++++++++(((!!! (! (! ((((
An hour later we where in the car again ready to go to the Hall.
"To be brutally honest with you. That was boring. I thought it would've been some magical moment but it wasn't. Not at all. " I said. I leaned me head O n my hand and my elbow by the window.
"I know and my dad didn't even know we were there. " Blake said.
"I thought you wanted to avoid him. " I said.
"I did but it would been nice for him to at least acknowledge our presence. "
"True. Well he will have the time now because we are here. " They should already be here. They left before everyone else. We walk in and take a seat at the first empty table we see.
"Father 12 O clock headed our way. " Blake mutters in my ear. I look up and sure enough her he comes.
"Hey Daniel how you been? " I ask trying to be nice.
"Good how. About you? " He says as he pulls me in for a hug.
"Good but you should ask him. " I whispered in his ear. He has a grim look in his face.
"Hey Blake. " He said warily.
"Hello father. " Blake said. Oh man. This won't end well.
"How about we meet the wife. " I suggested.
"Yeah I'll be back. " He says and walks away.
"You need to be nice. " I sternly said.
"Why should I? He never made an effort so why should I? "
"He's trying to make one now so at least give him a chance. That's what you told me. "
"Okay, but only for you. " Daniel walks back over with a blonde. About 5" 6 blue eyes and tan skin. She's pretty. I'll give her a 6 out of 10.
"I want you to meet my wife, Lindsay. Lindsay, this is my son, Blake and his best friend,  Alejandra." He said.
Novia. "I say. (Girlfriend) his eyes widen.
" Wow finally. I'm sorry Lindsay this is his girlfriend. Wow I am really happy. This took along time. "
"Wow I am happy for you guys. " Lindsay says.
"Yeah same for you. " Blake said.
"no seas rudo blake. " I said. (Don't be rude Blake)
"ella es mirada despistada. ella no habla español. " Blake says. (she's clueless look.she don't speak spanish) I look at her and he's right she can't. I look at Daniel. He shakes his head. Wow this will be fun. A clueless blonde.
"Doesn't matter Blake. Remember what I said. " He nods.
"Well it was nice meeting you Lindsay. But I have to take care of this one before something happens to ruin your night. " I sad I she nodded and they walked off.
"What the hell blake! "
"What? I tried but I already don't like her. I just get a bad feeling. "
"Well whatever. I doesn't matter. " I sigh. I go to sit down but Blake pulls me onto his lap.
"Hey can we just leave. We came so he should be grateful. " I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Just 10 more minutes. I have a plan. " I had a evil smirk on my face.
"Oh no. What now? " He asked warily.
I whispered in his ear what we should do. He got happy real fast.
"That's great. This is going to be funny. "
"I know now you leave to get the stuff and I will stay and distract them." He nods grabs my keys and leaves.
20 minutes later. Everything is in place.
The plan was:
•put whoopee cushions on the chairs of the head table where Blakes dad and wife will be sitting.
•buy condoms and give them to random guys and when they go to talk to Blakes dad, give them to him. Eventually he will run out of places to hide them.
"Ali the plan is ago. "I smirked. The first guy approached him. The talked for a couple of seconds and he handed him the 'item'. Daniel started to chuckle then slipped it in his pocket. The music was low so we heard when Lindsay Sat down. A few people chuckled. I was trying to hold in my laugh.
" Oh and I stuck a couple condemn in the cake."Blake said. I started laughing.
It went on like this for a while. I was dead on laughing. Them Lindsay and Daniel went to go sir down. The cushions went off and I was gone. I was laughing so hard that I was crying. Daniel had about 2 boxes of condoms hidden in his tux and now the whoopee cushion.
Finally it was time to cut the cake.
"Blake where did you out them? "
"At the top where they will cut it. "
They were at ding at the cake waiting for the knife. When someone handed them the knife they cut 2 pieces. Lindsay's face was so red. She looked like a tomatoe. Me and Blake we're on the floor laughing. I felt like I gained a six pack. I felt someone standing over me. I looked up to see Daniel. He had an expressionless face.
"Hi." I wheezed out.
"That was a good one Alejandra. A real good one. But I will have to talk to your mom about you and your little prank at my wedding. "
"She won't do anything. She to busy planing a wedding of her own. José you remember him right. He proposed to my mom last night. So actually she won't do anything. But be my guest. Call her. " The whole room was quiet. I stood up.
"She does really want to talk to you. After 9 years. So brace yourself for her verble argument. "
"And you want us to leave. " Blake said. Daniel nodded.
"Just know that after this, I want nothing to do with you. " Daniel looked down ashamed that his own son doesn't want to see him.
"Let's go. " And with that we left.

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