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"Jin, wait up!" I called as Jin stormed out of the studio. Just before I ran after him, I turned around to see the shocked members. I don't blame them, Jin is usually so calm. 

The manager's face is red with rage after scolding Jin about his dance moves, apparently it's not "good enough" even though the members thought he was doing well. I became really worried because Jin doesn't usually lose his temper like that. I followed him outside to see him walking down the streets staring at his feet, he stops and enters an alleyway. I slowly walked towards him. He turned to look when he heard footsteps. He quickly looked back down, "(Y/N), what did I do wrong? Can you tell me what I did wrong?" 

I didn't know what else to say. He looked pained, he always kept his head high but now, he's feeling like nothing but a burden on the other members. I looked up at the to see the beautiful light blue sky slowly being covered by dark grey clouds. I felt a small, gentle drop of water fall on my head. Little by little the small and gentle rain drops became big and heavy. People in the streets ran to seek for shelter leaving only Jin and I alone in the the alley in the pouring rain. I finally manage to cough up something, breaking the silence, "Jin, it's pouring we should go back inside." 

"Not yet y/n, I'm going to stay here a bit longer. You can go back though." He answered still staring at his feet. "Jin, It's not your fault and you know that. No one thought you did anything wrong. Now please, let's go back inside before you catch a cold." I begged. 

"If I didn't do anything wrong then why was I scolded by the manager? He obviously thought I did something wrong. I can't do anything. Just let me stay here." He sighed. 

"Fine, if you're staying then I will too." I answered in rage. I hate it when he looks down on himself. It hurts me to see him attack himself like that. I have always liked him. He is the sweetest person I have ever met. He glanced over to me to see me shivering from the cold rain. He sighed as he took off his sweater and placed it around me. "I give up. I can't stand to see you standing in the cold rain because of me." He said as he took my hand and walked to the empty bus stop to shelter from the rain.

"Well, It looks like the rain isn't going to stop anytime soon." I commented.
I looked over at Jin and he was soaking wet. His white shirt was damp and tightened, revealing his abs. He brushed through his wet hair before glancing up at you "What's with the staring? Is there something on my face?" He smiled. 

I quickly turned around from embarrassment. I felt my face burn up, turning red. "N-No, it's nothing." I replied avoiding eye contact

"Aw, come on y/n. What is it?" He smiled as his face got closer to yours. "I-I said it was nothing!" I hissed as I turned around. Little did I know how close his face was to mine. He was barely an inch away from me. "y/n, I like you.... a lot." He whispered as his face turned a bright red. 

"W-wait wha..." I was interrupted as Jin leaned forwards and pressed his lips on mine. His lips were soft and warm. I felt extreme joy and excitement. Just as he was about to break the kiss I wrapped my arms around his neck and closed my eyes tight to pulled him in for another kiss. He seemed puzzled at first but he gave in and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me deeper into the kiss. When it broke we were both tomato red. There was silence to realizing what had just happened.

"I like you too Jin."
He looked at me and smiled. The skies had cleared and the rain was slowly stopping.
"Well, we should get back shouldn't we?" He asked. 

"Yes, yes we should." I answered looking back at him. He held my hand as we slowly walked back to the studio, still soaking wet. "Why don't you come over to my place later?" I asked.
"I would love too" he said, giving me a loving kiss on the forehead.

source: http://btsfanficsandscenarios.tumblr.com/post/132371338723/

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